Very feint line....!!

Anna Marie

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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Still in shock but I think I may be preggers again... !!! I had no idea about my cycle this month as in jan I had my first period since lara was born but I have been in bed for a few days with this awful flu thing and last night I realised that AF had not arrived either... so did a couple of tests and yes.. very very feint but both were positive!!

I am very freaked out.. not because I am not happy, I am over the moon but because we were not trying and so this is rather sooner than I had planned.. i wanted to wait a year or so but wow how exciting.. a little sibling for lara.. fab!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway I am not getting overly excited.. I am not having any preg symptoms and this flu has really knocked me for six so I just hope that my dodgy immume system can cope with all this and pregnancy too, it hasnt in the past so fingers x'd everyone .....!!!

Go to a family planning clinic for a free test or get your doc to confirm it. The worse part is when you think well am I or aren't I? Did you recently have your baby? Maybe just maybe your body may still be producing the pregnancy hormones if you did recently have Lara. I don't know if that's possible this is my first pregnancy so I don't know how your body works after you have a baby.
Yay thats great news-congratulations! Makes me broody-i can't wait to have another one!!

Amy xx
Well I was pregnant but am now bleeding so another early miscarriage for me

:( :( :( :(

I guess I feel a bit numb about it as it was all a surprise anyway.. natures way of telling me my body was not ready or strong enough.

When I feel sad I just have to look at my little Lara smiling at me and the world seems an OK place again :angel:
Thanks everyone, I am upset but I have been here before.. this will have been my 4th miscarriage so I suppose the thought it may happen is always in the back of my mind. As we werent trying I am not so sad... just made me realise that I would like to start trying again and once I am feeling better and have no cold / flu I will start charting again.

And anyway little Lara keeps me very busy so not much time to dwell on it.

thanks for all your support xxxxxx

So sorry hun , its great you have Lara to keep your spirits up, and i hope when you do start trying that everything will work out for you .
:hug: Katrina
sorry to hear your news hun! wishing you ALL the luck in the world for the TTCing xxxxxx

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