very fed up


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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Grr aint it funny how im never ever ill, then on xmas eve icome down with this awful chest/throat infection thing,even to drink is like swallowing razorblades :shock: owwwcch!

sat in bed waiting for xmas so we can go up my dads and open our pressies but times going so slowly its just noit fair!!!

really hope i do go overdue now as i really dont wanna feel like this when im in labour so hope i get over it soon! OH is in other room sleep and i want him to come make me a hot drink and stroke me but i rly dnt wanna wake him!!!! feeling very sorry for myself lol x
Know what you mean hun, i have a stinking cold cant taste any of our lovely food, going to mums for dinner and prob wont be able to taste a thing, it suck s :hug:
aww bloody hell hun its not nice is it!! iv got to go round familys, gonna be about 14 of us! and if im sat there couging they will call me a myserable cow all day! iv been up with funny pains aswell but irregular so really hope this aint the start when im like this!! you wont be able to taste it and i wont be able to swallow it!! xmas just wont be the same lol. really hope u get some sleep and feel better!!! :hug:
Yeah and you chick, its rubbish as we cant really take much for it wither, ive tried vics right under my nose but even thats not shifting it, im gonna try steaming my face tomorrow :pray:
yeah i know its Sh*t! i got vicks and that but my nose is fine its my throat and chest so nothing at all to take!
try drinking milk, it will at least coat it slightly for you :hug:
aww hun, hope you managed to get some sleep

we're the same, both me and OH have this cold/throat thing..its horrible, esp when you cant really enjoy your food...
I have the horrible throat too - it seems to ease a bit but during the night and for the first couple of hours after waking I feel like I'm dying. I've got an infection in my eyelid as well which has swollen up so much I can't open that eye (very attractive and quite painful!)

I think Neil has also disowned me as I can't get my shoes on anymore so I have been going everywhere in my fluffy purply cat slippers! :rotfl:
ouuch on the swollen eye!
i am also looking very sexy with the crusty sore face from blowing nose 2 much, and black eyes from lack of sleep. god we are so attractive girls lol. i went into asda looking like rudolph! got some antibiotics so hopefully ill be better soon feels like its getting better today anyway, how long do they take to work usually? they are huge iv got a job to swallow em lol!gosh we are both due tomoro :dance:
babies need to hang in there till we get our energy back ready for labour!!! x
If you are on antibiotics, hopefully you should start feeling better very soon. Fingers crossed you will wake up tomorrow and feel like you are on the mend. :hug:

It's bloody typical isn't it - we've been waiting for tomorrow for 9 months and now we are hoping for a little bit more time so we can feel almost human again! :roll: Both due tomorrow and both having girls! :D

I had a cry earlier as I thought what if baby comes and I can only open one eye - I'll refuse any photos!! :doh:
:rotfl: i think i will also be refusing pics!!!
i look like quasimodo lol! i also had a little cry at the out of hours docs, she looked at me like i was a mentalist! :cry: i was trying to hold it all together but it was hard and she looked at me like i was some sort of freak of nature for crying in front of her and told me not to overreact! the BITCH lol i wanted to smack her one tbh! i know the last 3 weeks iv been doing everything trying to get this baby out and now im begging her just one more week lol.. im sure she wont be here tomoro! if i go into labour before this infection goes i shall be demanding a c sec lol x
You're very refrained for not smacking her in the face - I think I might have! :oops: :rotfl:

My last comment on my antenatal notes reads 'feeling very fed up'! Midwife wants to do a sweep on Monday but I might tell her to ait a few dats if I'm still feeling this rough. The thought of being poked and prodded as well as feeling this rubbish does not appeal at all!

I think she is very comfy in there (yours and mine by the sound of it!) so won't be rushing to iron my hospital pyjamas tonight! :rotfl: (Is it bad that I haven't fniished packing my hospital bag?! :wall: )
feel a bit better again this mornin.happy due date :D please stay in babies lol!
im gonna say no to a sweep i think ill just let nature take its call baby will come when shes ready and i also dont feel like being poked about up there!! it took alot not to smack her but i managed to just take the prescription and go lol!! x

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