very emotional


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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Some of u know the trouble I had last week with my OH and I which ended up me telling him to stay at his friends house til monday which he then went to germany with work and will not be back till thursday. Anyway, since I know he isnt just an hour away I am missing him sooooo much. I have forgotten about how much he hurt me and I just want him home for a hug! I missed him so much I had to ring him last night but his fone was off and I went to bed crying :-( I got a fone call this morning from him and we both came of the crying! I cant stop know and my DD sets me off everytime she asks when is daddy coming home :-(
I do miss him sooo much and I want him home now.
I am an emotional person anyway but pregnancy hormones make me even more so I think and its coming to the point where I cqnt cope with the thought of him being away :-( sorry just needed to say
Aw hun, atleast you have spoke to him and I take it he's coming home after his work thingy? Its a horrible feeling when you want to be stronger then u feel, when be comes back have a cuddle and try and remember how you felt this week with him not being here and for future try and put the fire out before it properly starts. (Easier said then done I know) this will just be a bad memory in a few weeks xx
When we first argued and I told him to go I said we will talk when he got back from germany, asbit wud give me time to think if I wanted him to come back home or not. it was bigger than ur tipical arguement. I cudnt stand being around him so I asked him to go and now and want him back :-(
Hun Do u love him and can u forgive him for whatever has happened?xx
I love him with all my heart and I know he is very sorry. I think after the amount I am missing him ( I cant even go shopping on my own, have to get my mum to come with me lol) I think I can forgive in time. Lots of hugs and lots of talking shud help to. He cried on the phone and he isnt one for crying. So I know hes sorry and he want to come back to :) on thursday ithink we will go out for something to eat and talk about things and just be a couple for a few hours instead of parents and talk loads
It's very hard dealing with relationships and children and pregnancy all at the same time, it leaves us feeling very vulnerable and alone, and half the time we tend to put up with stuff we normally never would, because the other option is too hard to deal with. As long as your sure you can move forward and put it in the past then it's always worth trying again xx

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