Pregnancy symptoms in your previous pregnancies?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
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I thought it may be useful/interesting to have a post documenting symptoms that people had with previous pregnancies. I thought it may help people TTC to identify their own possible pregnancy symptoms.

Mine with Layla were:

I was out shopping one day and I suddenly felt completely and totally exhausted and fuzzy headed. This was about 2 days before AF was due. I tested that evening and got my BFP.

After my BFP in the first few weeks I felt constantly sick to my stomach, totally exhausted and had bad hot flushed :roll: Also my boobs got very large and sore very quickly.
I felt bloated all the time, tender boobs to touch, worn out, runny nose ?
( don't know about this could just have been slight cold?)

but this is how I was generally feeling.
Great idea! :D
Thanks, tis good to know what the real symptoms to look for are
flowerchild said:
Great idea! :D
Thanks, tis good to know what the real symptoms to look for are

Yeah, I thought it could be useful for those TTC no. 1...although I'm TTC no. 2 and I'm still not sure on all the symptoms :roll:

My first symptoms were feeling hot - i remember feeling like I had steam coming out of my ears (just like you see in cartoons), hungry- i felt sick if i didn't eat every hour & exhausted. I looked really rough too!

x x x
I had reeeeeeeeally sore boobs and nasty bloat - I hate looking at pics of myself during that week that I found out! :lol: Other than that, I can't remember any (other than one night of waking up and dry heaving...yummy), but that's probably b/c I wasn't actively trying at the time and wasn't looking for preggers symptoms.
fairybelle said:
My first symptoms were feeling hot - i remember feeling like I had steam coming out of my ears (just like you see in cartoons)

I remember that feeling too! I had the worst hot flushes all the way through my pregnancy from day one :oops: I remember waking up most nights in a pool of sweat....lovely!!!!
Hi girls, good post! My symptoms have been night sweating, bloated, very sore bbs (from about 3 days post ov) and 'that' feeling in your lower belly, hard to describe but almost as though you are constantly pulling your stomach in even though you arent! I got these symptoms with 2 succesfull pg's and also with the mc.
still waiting fo rmy fourth attempt!!
iv had 3 pregnancies and didnt really get symptoms with my 2nd (which was a miscarriage, thats maybe why)

my 1st i had AF cramps with no AF starting the next day like it normally would (i now know was implantation)
i needed a wee all the time
felt sick at around 4 and a half weeks (didnt know i was pregnant she wasnt planned!)
later on (after my BFP) i had the most incredibly sore boobs

my 3rd was *almost* planned, i was doing NFP so i was aware of my fertility and knew when i'd ov'd, and i really think i "just knew" i just *felt* pregnant about 2DPO. i felt a bit under the weather like i had a cold from 3DPO.
had really bad wind lots of it :oops: from about 5DPO too which still hasnt eased off!
felt a bit queasy from 4 weeks. feel really sick every morning since 7 weeks.
REALLY moody and grumpy, since about 5 weeks i think
same implantation pains at 3 weeks like i had the first time

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