Very annoying MIL!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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I feel so wound up!!!! I just wanna scream!!!! My MIL wound me up something terrible yesterday!
I had been a bit poorly over the weekend with pains and spotting - which turned out to be nothing to worry about and the docs told me it was just one of those things and I had a scan to make sure everything was okay with littleone.
Well MIL seems to think that it was my own fault for going to water aerobics and swimming last week. Shes made me feel like I was being irresponsible - when really I thought I was doing the right thing - I thought exercising in pregnancy was recommended. I didn't over do it and was really careful. I told the instructor I was PG and she told me to do certain exercises differently. The doctor didn't think that this caused it either. I am so mad, she thinks that just because I am pregnant I need to be wrapped in bubble wrap and cotton wool! I wouldn't do anything that would harm this baby!!! My OH has listened to his mother - despite having heard what the doctor said for himself, has banned me from water aerobics - he doesn't want me to go swimming either but I am not giving that up! I only go once a week for 1/2 hr!!!! I dont see him panicing when I am doing the hoovering or walking the dog or going to work!!

Sorry for the moan - just needed to get this off my chest!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
take no notice hun swimming is brilliant for pregnant women and as you get bigger you will find that you are most comfortable in water as it takes the weight off your legs and back
Swimming is the safest and best form of exercise for you in pregnancy so unfortunately your MIL doesn't have a clue what she is talking about.

Tell her that MW's wouldn't run aqua-natal sessions if it wasn't safe.
My midwife is always telling me to go swimming, dont take any notice honey!!! I remember my mum saying to me Dont sit on the sofa with your feet curled under you, you will lose the baby" I told her bloody nonsense!!!! I know it gets on your wick xx
My MIL was arguing last night with her son about how you needed to let washable nappies soak for days blah blah blah. Bearing in mind that the last nappy she changed was for my OH's sister who is now 26! Things have changed a bit since then. You're not the only one with an annoying MIL. Mine is vile.
Even if you HAD done something dangerous (whch you didnt) wouldnt need reminding of it or blaming if you had a scare!!!! im glad nobody is telling me what to do and not to do
I think its the older generation talking, i go swimming atleast once a week and stilll go to the gym and do a 30min work out once a week. Midwife says its fine as long as you are used to it. My father in law was like - should you be doing that in you condition :roll: just ignore them....

then again they tell you you are being silly for not eating brie/pate and buying pork rolls of a market trader van :roll:

Just ignore them, what do they know anyway, listen you your midwife.
I don't get how your hubby can ban you from doing anything - what the smeg would give him ANY right to tell you you can't do something? Perhaps if the doc had told you to stop it then he MIGHT be able to argue the baby is half his but that's not the case, the doc agreed with YOU.

It might be worth making it damn clear that you're not a child who needs permission and that his mother is NOT going to dictate what you can and can't do through him before the baby is born.

Once there's a little one the amount of child rearing issues you're likely not to see eye to eye on will only increase.

I'm all for a bit of give and take in any relationship, but there has to be an equal right to discussion not a dictatorship.
to be honest I couldnt stand all the critism for going - so I didnt even argue the fact. I know they think I am being stupid for doing it but I am not giving up the swimming!
I lost 4 1/2 stone before I got PG. I was swimming twice a week and did 1 session of water aeorbics and followed the WW diet very strictly. I know I am likely to gain weight while PG and know I can lose it afterwards, but I didnt want to pile it all back on and have to start from scratch. I am still a size 18 and really want a healthy pregnancy, and I know keeping active is very important.
I am going to walk the dog a bit more instead of water aerobics.
Sometimes the older granny's to be seem to think that they know it all. They need to reolise that a lot of things have changed and that you know what is best for your lo. There is no way you would put yourself or your lo at any risk

Swimmimg is highly recommended during pregnancy and doing housework is probably more dangerous than water aerobics.

Don't listen to her. xxxx
..yeh, mine was the same. We went to Turkey in Sep and she told my husband that I shouldn't go swimming. She then said I was 'strong willed' because I wouldn't listen. We swam every day!!

Oh well if swimming is bad for u then I am stuffed - I am in the pool every night and all weekend teaching!

Just ignore her! She really doesn't sound worth the hassle.
i swam right through my last pregnancy. It was lovely. (abit of 'me' time) would recomened it to anyone.
Dont let him bully you into stopping - hoovering is a much more dangerous thing to do! (ive been told do to heavy bleeding in this pregnancy to NOT HOOVER) Tell him this, and continue swimming! :)
you do what you want to hun,your the one who is pregnant and you know your body better than anyone else.Good for you for wanting to keep fit and active they should be supporting you!As for mother in laws trust me none can be as bad as mine

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