Using pram for sleeping


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Hiya girlies :wave:

Feels strange stepping in here..... :oooo: anyway....

Do any of you use baby's pram to let him/her sleep in at night? Basically in place of a moses basket?

the travel system I'm getting for baby is flaming expensive so I was thinking that maybe I could get away with using it as a make-shift moses basket as well for when baby is in our room.

If any of you have done this, would I need to get a stand for it rather than leaving it set up as a pram?

Thanks in advance :petal:
I did it with K and for a while with E til I got a Moses cos I was getting mud thru my muns house :lol: k always slept in it downstairs and occasionally we took her upstairs in it of it had taken her ages to settle! They're hardly in Moses baskets and if you're getting an expensive pram I'd defo use that!! What pram you getting btw?

I'm glad I didn't get a Moses for Katie as she was so big she wouldn't have fitted in it for long! I had a rocking crib for mine which lasted a good few months! E still had plenty of room in it when I took her out, but she was sitting and starting to pull herself up so I had to swap to a cot!

Sent from my spammy iPhone using Tapatalk - it's got a mind of it's own!
I'm getting a bugaboo :)
That's also what I'm thinking about this baby you see, size wise I mean. Measuring very long at the minute so I'm worried that any moses basket will be outgrown in no time :eh: it seems pointless wasting money when I don't have to.
I was worried if there would be any health implications on the baby sleeping in the pram at night - like ventilation etc - god I'm clueless :roll:
I would have thought if its a carrycot type pram, then its ok for them to sleep in it but wouldn't let them sleep in a buggy or carseat one for more than a few hours not good on the babys back x
Yeah it would be in the carrycot part of the pram. They seem pretty similar to a moses basket to me :oooo: x
I wish I could afford to splash £400 plus on a pram lol but then again I can't use them, well on the bus lol x Yeah my sister used a carrycot part of her pram with her little girl for a while as she barely used her moses x
we've got a crib (got it for free), so no, we don't use our pram, but could easily do! Our pram came with a stand (we've got M&P Ultima), and we often leave LO to sleep in the pram's carrycot on this stand in the living room during the day. He doesn't seem to mind it at all :)

the only thing - not all cots are good enough for sleeping in them for a long time. A cot should have ventilation and a good mattress. One of the main reasons why we chose this pram!

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Hey hun. My l was born in italy and we knew we would be moving back to the uk 2 months after he was born, so rather than buying a moses basket, he too slept in his pram for the first few months!! We got a moses vasket when we came back here and then ye was in his cot like a month later! :eek: as for ventilation etc etc i didnt even think of those things but he looked bloody comfy and slept really well!
I got a pram with a carrycot and you can use it to sleep in as it said in the instructions!im sure if You could get a stand it'd be fine! My lo was in his Moses basket till he was 8 months and I change the pram when he was 7 months as he wanted to sit up!
Hey chick,
Yes you prob could use the carry cot part. The only prob that I could fore see is if your LO is a sickly baby it would ruin your pram. My Lo used to be sick all the time in his mosses basket, but it was quite easy to remove sheets etc to wash. I'm not sure how easy it would be to clean the carry cot bit. My pram was quite pricy too and I would have been gutted if he was continuously sick in it. Where as mosses baskets are relatively cheap, easy to clean and my Lo used his for around six months xxxxx
I think the moses baskets are more 'breathable' than the carrycots, but im sure it would be fine! And im very jealous of the bugaboo!
We use pram in the day but decided on a crib for night as I was worried about pram getting damp while I'm out in the day, which it has a number of times walking the dog, not to mention the mud and dog slobber on it!
You'll need to check out the details of your pram. I thought most carry cots were only advisable for occasional overnight sleeping and only if you have an additional mattress, they are not really advised to be used in place of a moses basket permenantly. That's what we were told when we were shopping for our travel system. But the buggaboo website/customer services should be able to advise you if it's safe or not.
Thanks girls :) I may have to just fork out for both :shock: x
Ive got a bugaboo and getting the donkey this time and it's in my head that I've read it wasn't suitable for over night sleeping.

I had a mamas and papas one with monty and that had like a air vent grid you pulled underneath if the were going to sleep in it,

Also as from what I can remember your getting the black bugaboo they are easy to wipe down the sides etc as there canvas but they do seem to be quite sickly in the night and even with a sheet the pram mattress could get quite dirty xxxx
What about looking for a crib - that's what we're looking at, cos they seem to be a bit longer in lenght, and some of them arent really anymore expensive than a moses basket.
I would check with bugaboo. When I went to the icandy demo the other night the candy rep said it's ok for a few hours in the day but not advised overnight, just drop bugaboo an email xx

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