urine sample for home check


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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Hello!! :wave:

My MW is visiting my house next week to do the 16 week check. What is the protocol for urine samples if they come to your house? Do have one ready as if you were going to the clinic? Or do they just expect you to sort one out there and then? Or do they not even bother with urine sample at 16 weeks?

Will I have to tidy my bedroom? Or will she examine me in the lounge?

So many questions... :oops:
Is this your first or second MW appt? At my first one the MW came to my house but she just stayed in the living room. The second one was at the clinic after my 13 week scan and she asked me to have a urine sample to take there. I think it would be best if you had one ready for when she comes. I don't think she will wander around the house though. Hope this helps.
have a urine sample ready then it's is less pressure on you if you can't go when she asks!

I have worked with community midwives and we usually did everything in peoples' sitting rooms. A tip is to offer them a drink- they pretty much always say no as they are in a rush but they will think you are really nice!
aww thanks for the tips ladies, you are lovely!!

I will most certainly be offering them a drink...good plan!
This is my 2nd appointment so I hope to hear the heartbeat :cheer:
I don't think my midwife listens for the heartbeat until after the 20 week scan because apparently it's hard to find early on and they don't want to cause worry if they can't find it.

I have a MW appointment at the clinic on Monday and would love to hear the heartbeat, as I think I'm feeling movements too. :dance: Might get DH to listen with a glass on my stomach instead lol.
good luck

my midwive accepted a brew...

im sure it will all be in living room, i did give it a quick hoover but that was all.

Coming into school next week so might see u if it is lunch hour

take care
My midwife came to my flat for the first booking appointment and we went mad tidying and stuff. I went to the hosp for the 16 week but forgot a wee sample..she was a bit narked at this..I did say I could give her one but she said no. So I'd say have one ready :)

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