I am new to this and looking for some advice.
On the 20th of May I was due my period and I got my bfp. My partner and I was very shocked but very happy that we was going to be expecting our first baby. I kept re taking tests to confirm as I couldn't believe it was avtually happening. Exactly a week later I started to bleed, very slightly. I called my friend who has a cheeky 20 month old little boy and she said not to worry as she had experienced this and it's perfectly normal. Later that day I started to bleed more and more, but again it wasn't what I would define as heavy.
I decided to call the nhs helpline and I explained my situation. I answered all their questions. I wasn't experiencing cramps or any of the other things they asked... just bleeding. They said it was important I saw my GP within 2 hours. So I called my doctors and I went in to see him.
My doctor did a few checks and said its perfectly normal and not to worry. I was sent to the nurse who also said the same thing and took my bloods to test for hcg.
I returned to the doctors on friday (which was my initial booked appointment to be refetred to a midwife whichI booked as soon as I found out I was pregnant). Firstly I saw the nurse who confirmed I was pregnant but my hcg level was 4. She did not seem concerned what so ever and said she has witnessed many women in the same situation and continue on to heavy pregnancies. I also read online the hcg count does not cause a concern in the first trimester. I went into the waiting room to wait to see the doctor.
I will continue on a new post because it won't let me write much more.
I am new to this and looking for some advice.
On the 20th of May I was due my period and I got my bfp. My partner and I was very shocked but very happy that we was going to be expecting our first baby. I kept re taking tests to confirm as I couldn't believe it was avtually happening. Exactly a week later I started to bleed, very slightly. I called my friend who has a cheeky 20 month old little boy and she said not to worry as she had experienced this and it's perfectly normal. Later that day I started to bleed more and more, but again it wasn't what I would define as heavy.
I decided to call the nhs helpline and I explained my situation. I answered all their questions. I wasn't experiencing cramps or any of the other things they asked... just bleeding. They said it was important I saw my GP within 2 hours. So I called my doctors and I went in to see him.
My doctor did a few checks and said its perfectly normal and not to worry. I was sent to the nurse who also said the same thing and took my bloods to test for hcg.
I returned to the doctors on friday (which was my initial booked appointment to be refetred to a midwife whichI booked as soon as I found out I was pregnant). Firstly I saw the nurse who confirmed I was pregnant but my hcg level was 4. She did not seem concerned what so ever and said she has witnessed many women in the same situation and continue on to heavy pregnancies. I also read online the hcg count does not cause a concern in the first trimester. I went into the waiting room to wait to see the doctor.
I will continue on a new post because it won't let me write much more.