NHS Direct has a section on it here
http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/articles/ar ... icleId=165
Hand, foot and mouth disease
There is no specific treatment for hand, foot and mouth disease. The condition usually clears up by itself after about 10 days. As it is caused by a viral infection, the disease cannot be treated with antibiotics.
You can help to ease the symptoms of hand, foot and mouth disease by:
taking plenty of fluids - water, or weak squash are ideal, or
taking paracetamol - if you, or your child, has a fever, or sore throat, then this should help relieve pain and bring down a temperature. Children's paracetamol can be used for treating your child. However, aspirin must not be given to children who under 16 years of age.
In some cases of hand, foot and mouth disease, the sores can become infected if your child scratches them. If this happens, the infection will need to be treated with antibiotics. Your GP will advise you about this.
If your child has hand, foot and mouth disease, you should keep them away from school, or playschool, until they have recovered. Remember that they will have been infectious before they had any symptoms (symptoms usually appear between 3-7 days after being infected), so they may have already passed on the infection. However, you should still inform a school, or playschool, if your child develops the disease, so that other parents can be made aware if necessary.