Hand Foot and Mouth?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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Sophie's been unwell again this week and this morning she got up with about 6 blisters around her mouth and about 20 localised on one of her lower arms. I rang SIL to find out if her LO was ok because I looked after her on Tuesday and she told me there was an outbreak of Hand, Foot and Mouth at LO's nursery. Since this phone call at 8am she now has a nasty ulcer in her mouth and a few blisters have come up on her hands.

She's was really poorly yesterday, sleepy and high temp. Today she's not so bad in that way but is being a right little madam which really isn't like her. She's also off her food and I'm finding it hard to get fluids down her. She uses a potty in the day and is starting to wee less. She had a dry nappy when she woke up this morning but OH said she got up at 1am and had a very small wee in the potty.

I'm giving her nurofen at the moment and waiting for the doctor to call me but I was wondering if anyone has any advice or thoughts in the meantime about how best to make her comfortable? Do you think it would help to put camomile on the spots like with chickenpox?

Thanks in advance
Poor little love, sorry I can't help hun; this is one thing none of my kids have ever had :hug:

Hopefully someone else will know xoxo
Thanks Mamafy, I've spoken to the doctor now and he thinks it's chickenpox. She's developing blisters all over her body now so I'm in inclined to agree with him. I've been using camomile lotion and I gave her an oatmeal bath which she loved.

Not looking forward to the next week as William and Ellie haven't had it, they're bound to get it now. The last couple of days have been hellish with how Sophie has been and Ellie is teething too. :-(
Awww poor little Sophie :(

My daughter took chicken pox at 10 months so you have all my sympathies :hug:
Speedy get well wishes for your LO - poor thing, hope its as short lives as it can be :hug:
I've literally had no sleep for nearly a week. William was ill over the weekend, then Ellie started teething and now Sophie is poorly. I'm sure it's a conspiracy! Me and Stu ended up with both girls in our bed last night, not a good plan but at least I managed a slight doze between disturbances. Sophie is catching up on some sleep now so I'm hoping she wakes up in a better mood.

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