Upset and crying


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2006
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hiya all just a quick question i sometimes feel really down but i dont know why and just get upset all the time is anyone else like this?
Oh god aye!! I'm a blubbering mess at times!!
My worst time is when I have a fit of laughter, I then end up balling my eyes out?!?!?!?!? I hate it, I go from one extreme to the other and it is such a come down!!! :hug: xx
gemaandfirstbaby said:
good glad it not just me how do u get my ticker under the post?

Just go to your profile and add the code to your signature!
Yes me too, i get myself worked up over nothing and cry lol, OH really doesnt get it :D
i get upset very easy to :(

im no good at watching programmes on tv :(
i cried when bradly told stacey he didnt want the baby on eastenders last nite lol ....OH thought I was an idiot :(

:rotfl: stupid pregnancy hormones
so did i!! haha

only tho coz my friend goes... oh look how similar that is to u and luke, look he got a promotion found out she was pregnant and didnt want to know etiher,

thanks eh

Ladies be prepared it is so much worst in the 3rd tri! I cried because my DH wouldn't let our dog come out with us, I was devastated she looked so sad - we were only going out for half an hour! I cry at all the sad posts on the forum and every half hour watching tv, especially programmes with animals. I was also inconsoleable about my DH thinking I'm fat and frumpy (my thoughts not his!) and doesn't love me like he used to, this did get me days worth of affection and a surprise present :wink:

My worst thing to get upset about is what other people will think about the way I'm goging to bring my daughter up! My DH and I have already decided that we will both be speaking english with her as we already speak this to each other and want our home to be cosy. I would hate not to understand what my child and DH are saying to each other. People are already questioning why we are doing this and it really gets me upset and I just feel like shouting at them because she is MY baby and she will be bought up the english way with manners (there is no word for please in danish!) and able to speak with her family that adore her already!

Oh dear I've worked myself up again, damn hormones :cry:
skatty said:
Ladies be prepared it is so much worst in the 3rd tri!

OMG Skatty, you have just reminded me, I was inconsolable when my Dad told me I couldn't have Chinese in my first pregnancy!! I mean all out heart broken!!! :rotfl:
Snap, snap and snap! I'm nodding in agreement to all of the above. Just before I knew I was pregnant (and had NO idea why I was feeeling so rough) I met a lovely lady who said that for her being pregnant was like having pms for months... I guess it's the same hormones though. I just figure that perhaps its nice to have a time in our life when we can really let rip with our emotions and have a jolly good reason to!

Same for the fat thing to. I'm amazed at how fat I feel, and I cant wait for my bump to be recognisable as baby and not just increased blubber. I suddenly realised I was waiting for "permission" to look the way I do. How silly of me lol. Now I'm working on shoving my bump out there into the world....

Btw, I think the english speaking at home sounds really sensible! I think languages are supposed to be much harder to learn after about the age 7 which is why we all struggle in the UK, as we dont learn them until secondary school *doh* So if your little girl learns to be bi-lingual from an early age, you're doing great by developing her brain and social skills, and also teaching her one of the most widely used languages in the world. Good for you! I wish I had more languages - my dad spoke about 6, I speak just English, rather badly lol.
I had a really bad day last week was so tearful and got angry at everthing!!

Think we all get our good days and our bad days :wink:
I have days where my OH is scared to even breath in my direction, let alone actually try and speak to me! Poor guy! :oops: :rotfl:
we went out shoppin into town and i just stood there in a middle of a shop crying my eyes out and boyfriends say gem whats wrong and all i said was i dunno :?
I cried whilst watching X Factor, I even cried cos i was doing some filing and i couldnt get the paper in the file..but sometimes my OH half goes ..why are you crying? and i go I dont know mwwwwaaaaaaaaa and he says then its probably your hormones..that gets me really angry sometimes! but lets be a little bit thoughtful here..sometimes i turn out to be a real monster , whining, crying and really irritable so lets all give some credit to our close ones because lets face it when we are like that we are not very nice ppl! ( excuse my explanation - not very good english)
I have every gartitude for my OH, if I start crying he looks at me bolts for me hugging me and says in a really sweet voice...""Ohhhhhhh don't go all hormonal on meee"" :D it just makes me smile as he hates to see me upset, and he see's that alot, so it is his way of saying don't worry it is OK it is beyond your control so go with it! :hug: xx

Gosh don't our OH's put up with a lot??

I'm still like that 10 months on :shock:

i cried the other day 'cos an eggcup fell out of the cupboard and broke!!!!!!!!!

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