Feel like crying!!!!

hey ladies,

Thanks so much for all your advise and support!!! You are all lovely ladies!!!
You will be pleased to hear that I went into work this morning, and spoke to a union rep (who happens to sit next to the b*tch AND was there when it was happening!!!). He said to me that he had noticed it, and had thought to himself 'oh no here we go again'. He said he doesnt understand why my vegetarian diet is such an issue with them, and then offered to speak to her for me. I think he was worried too, because as a union rep he had witnessed what really amounts to bullying, and he had done nothing to stop it. I told him no, I would like to speak to her personally. So when she came in, I had a word with her, telling her that the comments and questioning about my vegetarian diet had to stop now. She said that she had just been 'curious', and wanted to know how I became a vegetarian!! I replied that I had already anwered that question and many others time and time again, and asked did she not realise how repetitive she was being? She replied no she didnt, and said 'sorry, its getting to you isnt it?'!!!!!!!!!!! I just ignored that, and said well, you know if you really are that interested in vegetarianism, theres plenty of info on the internet, and any further questions she should just use google. I then said, glad weve got that sorted, and turned away.

Feel so relieved, and can't believe I actually confronted her!!!! So not like me!!! I woke up this morning just knowing what to do, and what motivated me was that it isnt just for me, its for my unborn baby.

So thank you again ladies for all your help !!!!! xxxx
Fab!!!! I'm so delighted u stood up to her! I bet u feel like a weight has been lifted! X

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
Brilliant :D!! Bet she was so shocked lol well done xxxx

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
Good for you hun, she sounds like a bit of a moron tbh lol

Hopefully she'll let it go now xxxx
Yay well done Hun! That's fab! Bet the stupid cow got a right shock ha! Brilliant :) xx

Sent from my sparkly new iPhone
Maybe next time she has a go say something like 'are you thinking of becoming vegitarian cos you sure as hell never stop quizzing me about it!' Xxxx

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

Brilliant. I'd say this and I'm rubbish at confrontation. That would shut her up! Xxx

Oops. Just read your update. Excellently handled! Xx
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Brilliant news and very professionally handled too good idea to speak to the union rep too so now he is aware. Hope she shuts up now xx
Just popping in from Tri 1 - read your story and just wanted to say WELL DONE!!!!

If more people like you found the courage to stand up to these blatant bullies
the world would be a better place!

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