
Amanda W

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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Hello girls its me amanda well i thought seeing as i can get on a computer at the moment i would update everyone to what is going on :)

1.I have 12 days to go hopefully baba will come when she is suppose to do 22nd jan x

2.I have moved into my own place and have settled very well and also made some new friends x

3.Babys room is nearly done x

4.I have got everything sorted for babys bag just need to finish mine tomoz x

5.We dont have the internet at home and wont do till the 2nd feb i know crap isnt it they said they cnt get it sorted till then so we have to wait x

6.Baba is always on the move very active baby sometimes she lets me sleep and sometimes she dosent i just want her here now lol x

7.Getting abit worried about the labour but its my first so i guess thats to be expected x

8.Iam now on those injections one a day on each side my mum gives me them sometimes they hurt sometimes they dont lol x

So yeah everything is going great got everything for when she arrives my pram is here now had a play with it etc now its just a waiting game for her.

As soon as i can get back to a computer and as soon as i have had her i shall let you all know.Hope everyone is well and doing fine with their littles ones xxx :wave:
Hope everything goes well for you Hun and she doesn't keep you waiting to long x
Nice to hear from you on here lol! Will keep an eye on facebook :) xx
:yay: Glad everything's going so well and hope she doesn't keep you waiting too much longer :love: x
Fantastic news Amanda, sounds like your pretty all sorted ready now for your little baby girl

can't wait to hear your news when you have baby - good luck to you X
Thank you everyone and yes im pretty much ready for her now just waiting and nope havent got a txt buddy x
Hey, glad to hear all s well! Sounds like you're all sorted, just need bubs to come along now!! X
some ppl say they reckon baba will come this week x
You never know! As long as your ready, bring it on!! I wish mine would get a wriggle on :roll:

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