UPDATED: We had a prem Scare...


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Nov 20, 2007
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Hiya everyone, I havent posted on here for a long time, but thought I should post this.

Just to re-introdcue myself, I am sam96031's other half, or OH as I am lead to believe. We have a daughter called Emma, who is GORGEOUS, and will be 2 next Thursday. She was 10weeks prem and was born at 2lb 15oz by c-section.

Now to todays shananigans: Sam had a scan today, she is currently 32 weeks but as Emma was prem is having consultant lead care and more regular scans, we had the scan at 11:40 this morning. The Sonographer told us the fluid around the baby was less than it should be, but there was fluid present. She said it was nothign to worry about and as we had a consultant appointment later on today we should talk to him.

We saw a lovely trainee Doctor and she listened to what we said: she asked is Sam had any discharge: she had for about a week. The Dr thought Sam's waters may have broke or the membrane had come loose (if that is the correct term) and she decided to talk to the consultant. Our Consultant: Mr Galal, said it would be best for him to perform a scan next week, and tha Sam would need to have a speculum test to see if there was any fluid present.

The test looked fine, and it was 'bone dry', as she put it. She then said that we needed to go up to the ward to get the baby monitored to make sure the heart rate was ok, the doctor said that Sam may have to stay in depending on the results. This is the point it all became a little familiar. We all went up to the ward and the baby was monitored, also at the ward Sam had her first of 2 steroid injections, one today and one tomorrow in a more local hospital: these were given in case they needed to deliver, this was far too familiar by now. The last time sam was given steroids she was in agony, so I went to work to tell them I would not be in (they have always been very flexible with Sams pregnancy).

Luckily Sam was let out and I drove her home, but it became all too real today, and until the scan next week we are not out of the woods. There is a real possibility thatthis baby will be early too, not 10wks like Emma but 8wks possibly.

We'll keep you guys posted.....

UPDATE - 24/10/2008:
Yesterday after the steroid injections we informed the midwife about the lack of foetal movement. Sh told us to see at 2000 how many we had and call labour ward if under 10. We didn't have the movements and went in.

Luckily Sam's mum was here so she took Emma for a couple of hours until Sam's sister could get here to look after Emma until we came back the next day.

At hospital Sam had the doppler monitor on for 3-4hours on and off and they finally decided she could go home this morning at 8oclock-ish. Heart rate was accelerating ok, but th base line (resting) was low, movements were still not in abundance some some weak ones were present.

They originally said she would have a scan before going home, but as the doctor was "bed clearing" (her own reassuring words) she got to go home earlier than expected.

If the weekend and Monday goes ok the next scan will be Tuesday with the Consultant, he will decide whether the baby should be delivered. Sam will be 33weeks, so still a very scary time, but we are plodding through day by day. Next update will be Tuesday.

Thank you all for your support =)
Aww i hope baby hangs on in there as long as possible! :pray:
Me too! Stay where you are baby for just a little longer!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hopefully your OH will go to term. I started having contractions at 32 weeks and had to have the steriod injections too, they managed to stop the contractions so i was let out of hospital 3 days later. At 36 weeks i thought my waters went and went for a scan and they said there wasnt much fluid round the baby so she said she thought my waters had gone although when we got back to the ward the doc thought different and said they hadnt i just lost some fluid which can fill back up. Went for a scan a week later and fluid was back normal. Will be thinking of you both.
What a scare for you both :hug: Hope little one hangs in there a little longer.

Take care,

Sarah x
Hope all goes well for your scan next week and you baby hangs on in there. Good luck. :hug:
Big hugs to you Sam and Rob :hug: hope little one stays put a bit longer yet x x x x
thank you all for your well wishes, havent had much movement today if i havent had 10 movements by 8 will have to phone MW, had my second jab today so my bum is hurting on both sides now :lol:
oh god just seen this :hug: :hug: :hug: hope everything is okay at least u have got past the 30 week stage, and you are 2 weeks above that so thats two weeks stronger that baby will be if he/she has to be born so hopefully that means u wont have to go thru what u did when emma was born :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

update on movements but if u dont get over 10 by 8 defo get seen to :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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