
Apr 13, 2006
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Spent all of Saturday afternoon looking for a Pharmacy that was open. Finally got something a pregnant wife could take for constipation. Turned out that Alison was actually in labour! On April 16th @ 4:43am Joshua was born weighing in at 2lb’s 8z, at only 30wks+3. After a quick glimpse of him opening one eye and blowing some bubbles, he was taken to the special care unit. He’s a bit battered & bruised and his feet will need some physiotherapy, but he’s breathing for himself and he seems to be holding his own. In the last 8hrs I’ve seen him burp, cry, open his eyes, and hiccup. So I reckon he’ll make it.
Mum will have to spend a few more days in hospital after a stubborn Placenta called for a trip to theatre, but other than that additional experience that she really didn’t need, she’s pretty good.
I’m very very tired from just watching it all unfold around me and I’m very glad to be a bloke on this day. Ladies, I don’t know how you do it!
Goodnight & Regards,
Oh My God.


Hope he's doing well and your wife is home soon.
Congratulations, sounds like he is doing well!

A friend of mine had a baby at 25 weeks weighing 1lb 12oz, her waters also just broke! Her daughter is a healthy 2 year old now she is sligtly deaf and is short sighted but she is doing really well!
She was born a lot earlier than your little boy!

Hope everything goes well
my sis was born at 28 weeks! my mu malso had a hard PG she is now a very healthy annoying 16 year
my sis was born at 28 weeks! my mu malso had a hard PG she is now a very healthy annoying 16 year
congratulations hun glad hes holding his own xxxx
Congratulations Simon and a big hello to baby Joshua!!! I hope both baby and mummy are home soon. Please keep us updated when you can Simon, love to all 3 of you xx
Golly! Congratulations to you all. Glad little Joshua's ok :D
Congratulation to the both of you and welcome baby Joshua!! :clap:
Congraulations and an early welcome to baby Joshua!!
Emilia xx
Congrats to you and your wife...good luck and all the best, keep us informed of the progress!! :D
Blimey!! I've not been on here over Easter, and have only just read your introduction bit! I was just going to put a welcome post on that one when I noticed the update.

Congratulations!!!! :clap: :dance: :clap:

He sounds like a fighter. Good luck to all 3 of you. Keep us updated.

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