

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2010
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hey well its now been 4 days scince af was due n ive had one testt positive n 2 neg one wuda bin far to diluted cos i had drank alot before doing it n second dont know so now i keep feeling sick n bloated got sensitive nipples tht wen touched hurt (sorry tmi) n other things like peeing more n stuff ive had no signs at all of af but i dnt knw wat to say at drs or do i need to tek my first pee or wat x:shock:
Get in touch with your doctors and they should sort you out an appointment with a nurse who will test you and let you know for definate.

If you still get a BFN and days laters still no AF then they should offer you a bloodtest that will be conclusive :)
yea so i deffo need the appointment with the nurse? lol hopeless aint i lol xx
Well, if you want to know :)

You could just keep on waiting for AF to arrive or using up your own hpt's until you see a BFP.
first test i did was positive but didnt believe it lol think i might go drs its killing oh hes so excited xx
It's entirely up to you whether you wait another week and re test or visit your nurse who will test for you. As Louise said, if BFN but still no AF, then a blood test will tell you the result.
yea the thing playing on mind aswell tho is why positive first? sorry im a nusance xx
It could be a few things...

It wasn't a positive at all - If you are using cheap tests they can dry out very quickly especially in a well ventilated and warm room which would leave a confusing evapouration line.

Faulty tests giving negatives.

Using different sensitivity brands of tests.

Or worse case scenario - the pregnancy was very brief.
just do a fmu and take it with you and get them to test that x
Yeh, Loulou has a good point. You can take your fmu to your clinic or even a pharmacy and they should test it for free.

You might want to phone to make sure they'll do it first though.
ive got my lil pot n im teking it bak to doctors first thing in morning so i will know friday afternoon n it was cheap one but exact same brand my best mate used wen she was pregnant with my godchild so i know they r ok

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