Update on us


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2008
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I have here for the first time in days a full up and contented little man :cheer:

I almost gave up breastfeeding on sunday cos my nipple was causing me so much pain i was constantly in tears with it... but i phoned our local la leche league lady instead who was brilliant and helped set my mind at rest about feeding off one breast and told me to stop feeding off the bad nipple and let it heal and express off that side instead (i've been hand expressing cos the mother care pump i got off freecycle was rubbish... expressing into an icecream tub for crying out loud and getting in such a mess! :rotfl: )... the health visitor came yesterday and little man hasn't gained any weight since we was discharged by the midwifery team :? but she said this would be because of my sore nipple and told me to feed little man the ebm rather than freeze it for laters... well we tried a spoon and a cup and a pipette and he wasn't having a bar of it so i plumped for a TTippee closer to nature bottle in the end which he got the hang of and yesterday evening and last night was alot easier and i actually got some sleep :dance:

health visitor has been back out today with a nipple shield and brand spanking new MAM latest design hand pump which i just managed to get 2 oz off my bad nip with. I gotta go right back to square one with that side and just do a minute feed with the shield, working the time up until we are back up to full feeding again.. phew... Got breastfeeding club tomorrow with the la leche lady so am feeling quite confident that i can get through this (fingers crossed) - even if i can only manage to feed him off one side its better than nothing eh! 8)

Tryin to keep a sense of humour and stay relaxed but him not gaining any weight took me right back to when i was trying to breastfeed charlie who was titchy tiny 4pounder and he wasn't gaining weight.. felt like somewhat of a feeding failure on sunday and so glad i phoned that lady when i did :) OH is being a star and despite spending a good half an hour looking at formula when he did the shopping yesterday, didn't buy any and I love him soooooo much for that!!!!

Anyways the bad nipple is starting to heal now - the gurt big hole is starting to knit back together - my mate said it looked like a peircing that had been yanked out when i showed her the other day - christ the pain has been unbearable but finally i feel like we're getting somewhere... am able to write this for a start cos Henry's content for the first time in days so I can actually put him down!!!

Gotta make sure to express lots off that bad side though to get the supply back up cos 2 oz is a bit rubbish really i think?

So for anyone out there in a similar state gettin ready to throw in the towel... hang on in there and get in touch with La Leche or NCT cos they really are bloody excellent and will help set your mind at rest and encourage you to keep going. My Health Visitor's been superb too :D

Love n Huggles
Sarah and Henry xxxxxx
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: well done hun!!!
ive been bfeeding for 18 weeks and can only manage to get 2oz whe n expressing!!!
i really admire u 4 stickingwith it hun xxxx
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: you're doing amazingly hon - keep hanging on in there :D
Thanks ladies :hug: :hug: :hug: oh god i am so glad i phoned that lady when i did - this is lovely - managed to express another ounce just now which we topped Henry up with after he'd been feeding off me for a good hour... he had that ounce in a bottle then i popped him back on my boob and he had another good suckle for 15 minutes and fell into what i call the "booby-drunk-look" :angel: he's now laying on his big brother's lap really calm and relaxed and i think charlie's managed to get him to fall asleep :D :D
:cheer: :cheer: Well done for sticking with it! Hope that nipple heals fast :D
Don't worry too much about the weight gain... They usually loose weight in the first week or so before the milk comes in, then gain it back to their birth weight around 3/4 weeks. Slow steady weight gain is the norm of boobie babies... Its why they are less prone to obesity in later life. So keep going sounds like you've got everything under control and some amazing support in place. :hug: :hug: And just prepare for those fussy growth spurts... you'll think you're not producing enough, but it will be just your LO demanding more food for a growing body. :)
Thanks for that squiglet that is reassuring to know x x x

Went to breastfeeding group yesterday and came home with a medela electric pump to try which is making everything alot easier :) also made some friends with some other breastfeeding new mum's and some with slightly older babies who were really inspirational cos alot of them had had horendous problems initially but kept going.. am so lucky to have all this support here - ave got little man into his ring sling today - nice to get off the bloody sofa finally :D

Yesterday he just had boobie all day n what i expressed we gave him in two lots last night.. he had a bottle of 2oz bout 11 o clock then was on boobie til about 12. Then he slept right through til about 4am and i gave him the other three ounces of EBM in the bottle and he went straight back to sleep til bout 7am.

My good boob is (i think) now producing enough milk to compensate for the other one so the top ups he's gettin of ebm should help him to pop a bit of weight on :) he certainly feels heavier the last 24 hours and definatley longer :)

My mission for today is to try and express more often from the bad side to try n get the supply up a bit.. the crack is still not healed although is looking a hell of a lot better. i also got given some lanisoh yesterday which is helping :) Think i might give the nipple shield a go tomorrow :pray:
Your doing great hun, so glad you have got a good support team, youre really lucky there. You really have to be so stubborn and determined with breastfeeding at the start, it will all be worth it! well done :hug:
:clap: Well done, it is so worth it. The pain will soon be a distant memory, I promise. Like you I had a gurt big hole in one nipple and now she yanks 'em about the place and it's all fine. :dance: (And soooo much easier than having to drag myself out of bed in the night to sort out bottles).
Thanks Tadpole - its great to hear from someone with the same kind of damage that has gotten through it to the other side - cheers honey :hug: x x x
Well the health visitor has just been and weighed Henry and he's gained back all his weight and is now heavier than his birth weight :D he weighs 8 pounds and I'm thrilled to bits :D I also put him back on my bad breast yesterday with much success - it didn't hurt at all :D wooooooohoooooooooooooo :D

Feeding last night was so much easier and am glad to stop using that bloody pump as its hard work through the night having to pump n wash n sterilise ready for the next express!

health visitor is really happy with us and i got the nursing nurse coming on friday but me HV said she doesn't really think i need her now.. breastfeeding club on wednesday i can't wait to go now am feeling so enthusiastic :D yayyyyyyyyyy :D

Thankyou all for your encouragement and support :hug: xxxxxxxxx
:clap: :clap: :clap: Well done Fly!!
Yay on Henry gaining weight :cheer:

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