update on doctors today


Active Member
Jul 23, 2008
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just a update on my doctors visit today.... i went and showed him the digital test ( i did another one to make sure) and he looked at my history from prev m/c and he just turned around and said i will send you for a scan to ease your mind ..,.i must of looked worried cause i never even mentioned it. so i am just waiting for a letter to tell me when i have to go but i am crossing everything that i see a little heart beat wen i do go and nothing bad happens in the meantime. i think a part of me still cant believe i am preg till i see the image i will be the same.. i will keep you informed and updated..
but the doc did say that i was due on the 23rd of june but i did pregnancy due date calculator on web page and it told me the 12th and wen i did the dig test on the 12th of oct it said i was 4 weeks then so i told doc that and i think that y he sending me for scan as well i dont know but i glad i didnt have to ask him and he thought t was a good idea to send me...

He sounds like a nice doctor hun and I would be asking for a scan in about 3 weeks so you can see baby on screen.

Congratulations :hug:
well guys i got my letter from the hospital today...... i go for my first scan on the 19th of november... i am excited to see the pics and scared that i will get bad news at the same time....i had a bad bug last week and all i could think of was wen i had m/c in easter i did the same thing....i got bad bug and then had m/c... but i am more hopefull now i got the date for the scan for some reason....oh and the b/f has come around now as well... he was scared that i would m/c again as well and he didnt want to get upset again...so all is good on the home front and i hope everyone else is doing good as well... i will keep you updated on scan and no doubt i will be getting more nervous in the next weeks

thanks for listening guys it helps
:clap: :clap: :cheer: :cheer: :D :D
good luck at your scan how far gone will you be?
Dont woory hun I have a feeling all will be just fine :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Not to long to wait but if it feels like it then find hobbies to take your mind off things :hug:
well i think i will be 9 weeks when i have the scan done. but doctor thinks i will be less ...cause i thought that because my cycle was only 19 days the web pages that i looked at says i am 7 weeks now but the doctor said i was only 5 weeks so i really dont know but i am sure i will find out when i get the scan they will sort of know by the size of the baby right?

can anyone tell me how i put the baby counter on my messages?

i feel a lot different than what i did last time so fingers and toes crossed lol
i have work so that keeps my mind busy all the time and i am sure time will fly i will be getting more excited a few days before and like i said before i will be worried at the same time and i am trying to be positive about it all and it really helps to put messages on here just so i can rant and rave is a good thing as well lol

take care all and i hope you are all doing fine
Wow good luck for the 19th. You sound very positive. Have you got any syptoms?

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