update from prenatal visit


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Well had my prenatal and found out i only have a 40-50% chance of delivering natural as apperently i have cephalo-pelvic disproportion (where baby is too large to fit through pelvis)
Since my last visit baby grew tons am measuring almost 2 weeks ahead , two weeks ago i was 33 weeks now i am measuring almost 37 weeks.

He said baby will be Kiara weight 9 pounds 6 ounces or larger and thinks it would be best to have a sheduled section.
I have till Monday and have to let my doctor know and i think i just may go for the section as i thought i had more of a greater chance of delivering but apperently not.
Im disappointed but i guess its not my fault.
I will hoepfully be comfortable with it by the time i am given a date for it which is in about 3 weeks.

Think thats it lol

Oh thats disappointing for you. :(

I guess its better to find out now than if baby gets stuck and you need an emergency section.

At least you know what you'll be in for as well.
Hi Katrina :wave:

Sorry to hear they've recommended you have to have a c section, look on the bright side though you will have an exact date of when you'll meet your baby!

Hope you are feeling well, just do what's best for you :hug: :hug:

sorry to hear you are disappointed, but sounds like it could be for the best, if the baby is too big :shock:

Like the others say at least you know when you are going to meet your LO

I'm interested to know how they worked out the baby's weight. Was it from a scan or fundal height measurement - or some other way?

Either way if it's accurate it's probably better that you don't struggle to deliver only to end up with a CS anyway. At least if it's scheduled you can be prepared and feel more in control. :D


I think by the time it comes around i will be used to the idea .
Just made me bummed out .
Sabrina- at my 29 weeks growth scan LO was 4 pounds 9 ounces and also my fundal height is now measuring large .
So im assuming since i havce to have a section at between 38-39 weeks LO will be a tiny bit smaller . I asked why they do it before you reach 40 weeks he said it is because they want to try and deliver LO before i go into labour on my own .

I was saying to OH last night that i have these huge hips that are usless lol i always thought they were good for delivering guess not .
Guess im just too small for these big babies we make .
I blamed OH and smacked him when the doctor walked out said it was all his fault :lol: he laughed and said sorry

Sorry to hear that. I had a scan on tuesday and my baby is measuring big, but they didnt tell me how big! so i wasnt happy.
thats a shame hun. but as you say, you will get used to the idea by the time comes.

id love to know a date when LO will arrive. i still may get one if he dont turn LOL

:hug: aww, sorry about that katrina
at least youll kno the date of LO's arrival! :hug:

Thanks girls :hug: i appreciate all the support.
I will let you know asap when i find out the date.
soexcited- i guess we cant race to the finsih now :( would of been interesting to see who went first .
Seems alot of us are going to have big LO's must be somthing we ate :lol:

Yes the race is on lol. I just want to give birth now. I've had enough.
That sucks being tld your safer delivering by section, and i bet you were all geared up for a normal VB.
So sorry to hear that saulino, at least youl lnow the birthday inadvance and can mentally prepare yourself.
You will make the right desision hon, dont worry, i am sorry though.

Thanks girls.
soexcited maybe you will still go before me you just never know!

mrs_tommo22 - yes i think its best and at least LO will be delivered healthy thats all that matters :)

Hey Katrina
Sorry the decision was taken out of your hands hun. Was looking forward to see who would come first aswell. Looks like I am in the running with soexcited now lol.
I wonder who will go first? Im hoping to be early. I was early so was my boyfriend so you never know.

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