update from mark re sunshinestar

Please tell her not to be so silly, we are all here for her and want to know how she is doing, and give her this from me :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I agree with GGG, she's not dumping problems on us etc, it's nice to hear from her (or you) with updates etc, she's as much a part of this forum as the rest of us are and we all go through up's and down's!! Tell her get well soon and to come back soon from all of us xxxx
Just wanted to send very best wishes and some BIG :hug: to you and your family :hug:
aw im glad shes ok now
give her lots of :hug: from me
please tell her not to stop coming on the forum, we are here to listen to her problems and i found it was always nice to have someone to talk to, i didnt have an easy pregnancy either, nothing compared to your wife tho.

But if she really leaves, i wish u both all the luck in the world :hug:

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