update from mark re sunshinestar


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2006
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so far so good, will you update the forum for me, she was 5cms at 12 o clock this morning then everything just stopped which is a good thing, but now she is open to the fact of infection etc, she is staying in leeds till wednesday all being well and then coming home to our local hospital for a while
thanks Mary - hope everything is ok Sunshinestar take care darlin' :hug:
all the very best to you both Sunshinestar and Mark hope buba stays put a bit longer. :hug:
Hi all, well its been a rough few days, but we have news..

Fiona is now back in her home town, she got transfered back today, and they are possibly looking at letting her out on friday all being well...

She was 5cms dilated on sunday, they kept checking her whilst on drugs to stop labour etc, and on tuesday all contractions stopped completely, she was checked again and her cervix has started to close, she was only 2cm's, so this was the call we had been waiting on, she has a stitch put in to try and prevent her cervix opening any more and she was brought back here this morning..

Fiona is feeling very disheartned by everything, she isnt her self i think with whats gone on, can you blame her really, shes had a traumatic few days and feels on edge all the time,

She has told me to say thank you to everyone, for all your wishes but She doesnt want to bombard you with her problems any more, you all have pregnancies etc to get on with and she doesnt think it be fair to keep coming on here to tell you whats going on etc, i know you all mean well and she knows that as well but she thinks this pregnancy isnt never going to be easy and untill the baby is born theres going to be more pain for her

sorry if this doesnt make sense
Gla to hear she is back in your home town! It must be easier on you both now you can see her! Hope she gets home soon send her lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: from us!

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