Update: Advice Please! "Early Labour Signs"


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I posted my first post on Friday. Saturday I got a lot of BHs again and last night I got about 3 which were accompanied by very slight dull ache in my back (nothing painful though, just a bit of discomfort).

Today, I have had loads! I am timing them now and the last 5 or 6 have come about every 15 minutes (the last one was 7 mins after the one before) and they're lasting about 40 seconds. I'm getting the dull backache with them and twinges inbetween. Just little shooting niggles across the sides of my bump. They're also taking my breath away (not from pain or anything, just making me breathless?)

This is ok isn't it? When should I start to worry?

Also, another forum lady (Hazel) mentioned getting yellowish discharge which is what I've been getting for the past maybe 2 weeks... I think that's normal though (but someone to confirm it would be great lol).


I'm not by any means saying I'm in early labour can I just state for the record lol! BUT, what were your early labour signs?

The reason I ask is because yesterday morning I woke up with the slops (diarrhoea). I had about 3 poos within 5 hours and it just went again.

Yesterday I got BH ALLLLLL day, about 1 or 2 per hour.

This morning, at some points my bump ached and felt really heavy and got some very mild cramps when I walked and have had a few more BHs.

You know i didn't really have any. My bump never really dropped til last minute.
I had the runs 1 hour before my 1st contraction, my show 40mins after the 1st, waters broke 30mins before baby then my baby 3.5hrs after 1st contraction.
I got really bad siatica 2 nights and the night before. She put so much pressure on me that i was in tears.
But unfortunately i had no real warning. Besides being 1-2cm dilated 5 days before.
To be honest i never got any signs i dont think. Although i only started to experience BH bout a week before i gave birth. I didnt have a show well not a proper one. I just maybe lost bits of mucous a few days beforehand.
The only way i knew labour was iminent was when my waters broke. I then just had to wait for the contractions to start.
Thanks ladies, that's really reassured me :hug: I had horrible visions of my waters suddenly breaking or something lol!

There is absolutely nothing medically to suggest that she'll be early, and as in most cases she'll probably be late, I guess I'm just jumpy at the moment with so many BH.

I'm also getting very slight back/tummy "pains" - I can't really call them pains as such because it's more niggly twinges. Only getting them for the past half hour or so.

Anyway, more advice always welcome! Many thanks ladies :) xx
I never had the runs. Just normal bowel movements but went 3 times in 12 hours. And this was the day before I went into labour proper from latent labour.

Never had BH much either. Certinaly not as a pre labour sign. And afaik they are nothing to do with labour being imminement whatsoever.

Bump didn't ache any more than normal for me. Never really ached much anyways.

You are 32 weeks so your bump aching more is likely anyways. Cramps when walking can be normal also. It is a strain on your body and your bump is bigger now, its a lot of pressure down there. And BH's may increase for you, whereas they don't for other women. And having the runs might just be because something didn't agree with you :lol: 3 times in 5 hours sounds like that might be the case to me. And the cramps may have been your intestines perhaps.

I'd try to relax about it all :)
i didnt rele hav any signs- on the friday morning (gave birth on sunday afternoon) i felt a bit heavy inside and "just knew" somthing was starting just intuition thats it really. then idk wot u call them "pre-contractions" or whatever started friday eve x

never had "the slops" sorry! :lol:
If you are concerned call the hospital. I had been asleep one evening and woke up to quite a bit of pain. I called the hospital and it turned out to be a urine infection. They were supposed to send the sample off and ring me but it was that strong they put me on antibiotics straight away. Best to get it checked out if you're worried. I left it 2 hours hoping it'll go away, but it didn't. I was in hospital for a couple of hours.
Geesh chick, unfortunately have no personal experiences to help advise you with.

Have you had a chat with the people on the NHS direct line? x
Didn't have any signs at all before my waters broke (4 hours before giving birth)... no BH, no show, no runs, etc. :wink:

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