Up since 5am... hardly slept :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Well here I am again, wondered how long those 'ok' nights sleep would last :lol: Ive been awake since 5am with sciatic like pains all down one leg, achy dull numbness with pins & needles - no chance of sleeping through it :( I had it earlier on in preg then it seemed to go away so physio put it down to babys position but unfortunately its back again.

Also SPD/PGP really bad too, waking me up every 30mins at least needing to turn over & feels like im being ripped in half... I have alot more pressure down below which I think has contributed to alot of the pain aswell.

Do you think babys head may be engaged and this is whats causing the added pain? Painkillers doing nothin... so tired just wish I could sleep a bit longer!! :wall: Any tips on how to ease the sciatic pain so I can get a few hrs kip? :pray:
all down one leg, achy dull numbness with pins & needles - no chance of sleeping through it

thats what i get, it's horrible isn't it :( ive been tossing and turning every 20 minutes last night because of it :sleep:

i don't know what to suggest aboutt he sciatic pain, because nothing seems to ease it :(

as midwifes say, "it's just one of them things in pregnancy" lol :wall:

you've got my sympathy thought because i'm feeling the same as you! :hug:
Kimbo said:
all down one leg, achy dull numbness with pins & needles - no chance of sleeping through it

thats what i get, it's horrible isn't it :( ive been tossing and turning every 20 minutes last night because of it :sleep:

i don't know what to suggest aboutt he sciatic pain, because nothing seems to ease it :(

as midwifes say, "it's just one of them things in pregnancy" lol :wall:

you've got my sympathy thought because i'm feeling the same as you! :hug:

Well lets be miserable together :( :hug: :hug: :hug:
happy_chick said:
Kimbo said:
all down one leg, achy dull numbness with pins & needles - no chance of sleeping through it

thats what i get, it's horrible isn't it :( ive been tossing and turning every 20 minutes last night because of it :sleep:

i don't know what to suggest aboutt he sciatic pain, because nothing seems to ease it :(

as midwifes say, "it's just one of them things in pregnancy" lol :wall:

you've got my sympathy thought because i'm feeling the same as you! :hug:

Well lets be miserable together :( :hug: :hug: :hug:

:hug: :hug: :hug: to both of you

I hate turning over in the night- it is like a military operation and need to do it at least every hour- often more. Glad my aches and pains aren't as bad as you two at the moment
I know how you feel. :hug: I've begun to do that waking up at 5 am thing in the last week or so, and I'm also fed up of the aches down one side or the other and yes, turning over is a nightmare. What to do! :cry:
:hug: :hug: Im getting that in my legs too and im only 26 wks gone arghh
I'm already finding it hard to sleep at night.. i think OH's days are numbered in our bed lol he will be sleeping on the floor!!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Have you all tried Tens machine? It's the best thing (whilst preggers) for sciatic pain as my hubby had sever sciatica for 7years and in the end was looking at spending most of his time in a wheel chair but luckily we found a fab private surg who sorted it out. His pain was awful and there was really no pain killers other than morphine which would take the edge off. He tried an industrial strength Tens type machine provided by the hosp and due to it interfering with the nerve signals he found some relief.
Good luck ladies X :hug:

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