Ungrateful cow!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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This is myself I'm referring to :blush:

As soon as mine and o/h's aunties found out that I was pregnant they were all gleeful about doing knitting. I asked our mums to tell them please DONT - cause tbh I just don't like it. White cardi fine for when it's just born and can go over its vest or whatever, but as for "lemon" and "mint" just I can't stomach it at all.

So a parcel arrives today with 3 cardigans in it. One white, one lemon and one mint!!!! I could cry as I'm so touched that my auntie has taken the time, love and effort to do this for the baby but I don't like them!! I wouldnt dream of dressing pea in the two coloured ones :cry: I sound so horrible I know. But why do people insist on doing this when I specifically asked them not to? It was a waste of her time and effort cos he's never gonna wear them :(

We've got about another ten due to arrive from o/h's auntie and the thought makes me panic!!!!
Yep..ur an ungrateful cow ;)

But I know how u feel, I have a mint blanket that has been knitted for me and 2 blue cardis and a White cardi. I doubt I'l be using them too but not coz I dont like them but I dint like the wool on his skin :oooo: the cardis can go over something I suppose?! Xx
I personally love babys in knitted cardi's and i absolutely adore knitted blankets! Oh's Nan has knitted LO a few bits and they're really lovely, she's so talented, would pay a fortune to buy the same type of stuff in the shops!

It's not for everyone tho. Maybe just dress LO in them when you see the aunties? They will never need to know the truth and what they don't know can't hurt them!! :lol: xxx
i don't think your ungrateful....

a member of my family has knitted a cardi and i wouldn't dream of putting in on LO but when i was given to me i just smiled and said thanks not to hurt any feelings.. xxxxxxxx
This makes me laugh because I could have written it!! My mum has had people making me bloody knitted cardis!! Once she was born she brought about 10 knitted cardigans in white, pink and lavender! I don't mind the White so much and the lavender one is quite cute but the pink ones come with matching bonnets and mittens - shudder!!!

They won't go to waste, I'll pop them on eBay sometime or pass them on to someone else!! God I sound evil!!

Edit: just checked my stash and I also have lemon ones with matching bonnets and mittens!!
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The thing is its not that I don't like knitted stuff as a whole. Next etc have some lovely chunky baby hoodies and cardis in which I really like. And I also like knitted blankets and knitted toys. I appreciate and admire the talent involved as well but the cardis shes knitted are like the stuff my mum used to subject me to as a baby in the eighties!
Luckily she lives in England so there won't be any visits :oooo:

O/h's auntie has done the same, as I mentioned. Her own daughter has a one year old and she got given a box of knitted stuff whilst pregnant and she "accidentally" shrunk the entire lot in the washing machine before the baby was even born. I wouldn't take drastic measures like that :shock:
The thing is its not that I don't like knitted stuff as a whole. Next etc have some lovely chunky baby hoodies and cardis in which I really like. And I also like knitted blankets and knitted toys. I appreciate and admire the talent involved as well but the cardis shes knitted are like the stuff my mum used to subject me to as a baby in the eighties!
Luckily she lives in England so there won't be any visits :oooo:

O/h's auntie has done the same, as I mentioned. Her own daughter has a one year old and she got given a box of knitted stuff whilst pregnant and she "accidentally" shrunk the entire lot in the washing machine before the baby was even born. I wouldn't take drastic measures like that :shock:

Exactly!! My stuff is like that, but I do love knitted stuff just not this type of knitted stuff! It is like something from the eighties! In pretty sure I was subjected to wearing this type of stuff too :)
I totally get what you mean Hun , especially if you specifically told them not too!

On another note... Can your auntie knit me some stuff haha! I adore knitted baby stuff!!! Just kidding lol
I think it's just everyone has very different ideas of what a baby should wear. When we were babies it seems it was the done thing to have matching cardigans, hats, mittens, bootees and sadly in my case frilly knickers!
O/h and I were having a convo with MIL at the weekend and she said: "obviously you'll only be dressing the baby in sleep suits for the first few months or year" and we said "errm.....no" and I told her I quite liked dungarees etc for babies and she said "yes of course, after 9 months" o/h promptly stepped in and told her it was none of her business and we wield dress OUR baby in the stuff we like :lol:
strange isnt it how everyones opinions differ on what babies should wear. im quite lucky in that respect as my MIL bought loads of trendy next clothes for my little ones fron 3 months upwards. Glad i saved them really as its gonna save us a fortune x
Oh thats a shame, at least you tried to tell them not to!

I love knitted baby stuff, my gran has knitted me 2 boxes which my mum gave me the other day, its all white, 3 gorgeous blankets and lots of cardigans. although OH is insisting that if baby is a boy hes not allowed to wear them as they are too girly :(

Dont feel bad hun, maybe just pass them on to someone who wants them? xx
I was thinking that I could send them to orphans in romania or something :oooo:
One option you could do is put LO in the ones you don't like - take a quick photo and take it off again, then show the photo's to the people who knitted them - this way you don't have to dress LO in it for very long and you don't hurt anyone's feelings either - also saves the guilt trip for you!!

Hope I haven't spoken out of turn just thought I'd throw an idea out there for you.

Ive actually gone out and bought nitten stuff... i love it i have a white and a lemon cardi and my grans on with a blanket. I would say take a quick pic and then give them to charity, there will be someone out there who would love them but can't afford. knitted stuff are actually expencive x
I was gunna say take a photo n then take it off lol.

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Me n ippa were talking about how we can't put our lil men in baby clothes n it has to b tshirts n jeans etc.

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