Unexpected Bleeding 25 weeks


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Well tonight when i went to the toilet i found some blood just a little bit i phoned the midwife straight away and she says it was completely normal at this stage of pregnancy as long as it didnt get worse or i didnt get pain not to worry. She told me to come back in the morning and have a check over i have been twice in 2 weeks i feel like a bit of a pain going to the hospital as much. Hopefully the bleeding settles and it's just because its the time of the month my period is due.
Hi Adele,

I've had random bouts of bleeding throughout this pregnancy, fortuneatley I have a really nice MW who says exactly the same as your MW but i think she realises how upsetting and stressfull it can so she always sends me for extra scans or comes round with the doppler.

I'm sure everything is fine, as she says unless your in any pain or the bleeding is particularly bad its prob nothing.

My reasons for bleeding was a burst ovarian cyst and a low lying placenta.

Put ya feet up hun and try not to worry too much, although i know thats hard!

thanks guys for the help was at the hospital this morning (again) although the bleeding had stopped still had to go to make sure all was ok. I was supposed to get a speculum to find the cause of the bleeding but they couldnt do it as on my hospital notes it doesnt state where my placenta is. They have booked me in for a scan on tuesday for my placenta afterwards Ive to go get a speculum done to find out the cause of the bleeding

ps they checked baby's heartbeat on doppler all was ok
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Glad bubs was ok, hope the bleeding stops hn xxx
Hope everything is alright if it helps I have random bursts of bleeding all through my pregnancy x
well went for another scan today to see the position of my placenta and everything looked fine all babys measurements was fine too. I didnt need a speculum either as they said because the bleeding had stopped there wasnt really any need to give me one. Thank god baby is ok just counting the days until my 4d scan now hehe
Glad so far all is well sure it will be something little but it always causes us to worry x

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