Undescended testicle


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2010
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Ok so the doctors appointment yesterday wasn't quite as simple as I made out. I wanted to talk it through with oh before I talked about it on here.

The doctor went through a list of questions with oh - sexual history, health, lifestyle, medical history. One of the questions about undescended testicles got an 'actually yes' from him.
He'd never thought about it. His mum had told him years ago he'd had an operation as a toddler to fix it but he doesn't remember so he never really thought about it.

We did some research last night and I think there's a lot of questions that need answering, mainly if it was one or both, but also when it was fixed and if there were any complications. We found the scar from the operation too which was kinda cool.

I don't know if we'll ask though. The sperm sample should give the answers whether or not that's the cause

Funnily enough it's given me hope-that there might be a reason other than bad luck and that we might be able to fix it.

PS hello ltttc it's been a year today so I thought I'd come and join you
Hiya and welcome egg :)

You're probably right that waiting for the semen results is the way to go because although he had undescended testicles, it doesn't tend to have a lasting impact and once they are corrected he should have a normal sperm production unless of course like you mentioned the ducts were damaged during surgery - which would require further surgery to fix.

It is nice in a weird sort of way to have news, even if it isn't the best of news.

Hopefully it will come back fine and you might be able to relax a bit more ;)
Hopefully all will be fine Hun, good luck for the results.

Welcome to LTTTC -we're a considerably positive bunch considering, it's kind of not so bad.:)

Hey Scotch, welcome here! Good to hear you are getting answers. It actually is reassuring in an odd way! Good Luck. My oh has to perform in a cup for tomorrow morning which I just know he is finding a little bizarre!
Thanks girlies. He's asked me to help him give his sample as he's nervous of doing it on his own and worried he won't be able to perform without me!

Super cute, how could I refuse?

I'm hoping it doesn't have an impact too, the stuff I read suggests a minimal impact if it's just one, but potentially quite a big impact if it was both.

Time will tell. We're going to wait until after ov to give the sample so still a few weeks till we find out, but that's nothing in a year...
My hubby has been surprisingly calm at the moment about it. Im wondering if he may need a little help! It is a bit nerve wracking I imagine. Ive just put a thread about whether we should not BD tonight and save his best spermies for the deposit!
The info we were given says not to ejaculate for 2-7 (ideally 3) days before giving the sample
He's asked me to help him give his sample as he's nervous of doing it on his own and worried he won't be able to perform without me!

Super cute, how could I refuse?

Each to their own I guess but I'd be worried I'd be more of a distraction than a help. I have visions of us getting the giggles or getting into a blazing row :)
My husband done his sample in the disabled toilets at the hospital :shock:

Try not to worry to much, as long as his semen results come back good then thats the most important thing!!

The LTTTC ladies are amazing, on your worst days you can come in here and they will make you feel so much better, they are my very own Dear Deidre's :lol:
Can it be done the night before do u know then taken in.
It has to be done within the hour x[/QUOTE]

Nightmare I was just given his pot yesterday at his dr's and told to write a date and time on the sheet at the front. No other instructions! Our appointment isnt till 10.30 tomorrow morning and he just did the deposit! Is it definetly invalid? Do we wash it out and he re-does it again in the am?
Urmm I am not sure hun, I was told that the deposit had to be handed in within an hour of it being produced as the sperm die, and so to keep it warm as the cold can also kill them.

Might be worth doing a fresh sample in the morning just in case.
Oops - definitely repeat in the morning. My hubby always did it on demand so not sure how long you have but you really want is as near to hand in time as possible :)
Dr's!! You would think witj something as important they would say to me! Thanks girls. Now wont be his best!!!

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