My auntie is breastfeeding, but has suffered from recurrent bouts of mastitis which they've told her is down to her wearing underwired bras whilst she was pregnant.
Like her, I was never told not to wear underwired bras by my midwife, and I can't remember where I found out not to (probably on here ).
Shouldn't midwives tell every mum to be not to wear underwired bras? There is so much pressure on mums to breastfeed as 'breast is best', but then it seems that we're being given sub standard information!
Rant over
Like her, I was never told not to wear underwired bras by my midwife, and I can't remember where I found out not to (probably on here ).
Shouldn't midwives tell every mum to be not to wear underwired bras? There is so much pressure on mums to breastfeed as 'breast is best', but then it seems that we're being given sub standard information!
Rant over