Understanding weight gain?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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Every time I get Ivy weighed they seem concerned but they wont seem to say why? I don't think they are overly worried but could anyone say if she is gaining too much or too little for me because they don't say when I ask. She was 6.10 when she was born then went down to 6.7, week 2 she was at 7.1 and now week 4 shes 8.2. I think shes done really well but I'm clueless! How many oz are in a pound?Thanks x
she's doing brilliantly hon - i've no idea why anyone would be concerned with that?

there are 16oz in 1lb, and 14lb in 1 stone.

:hug: :hug:
:think: Hummmm I wish they would give a straight answer too! Lol if shes doing good then It would be great for them to just tell me that :doh:
i've never had any reassurances from any of my HV's either... i think average weight gain in the early weeks is somewhere between 4-7oz a week, but i think as long as there is some weight gain and lots of wet nappies, and a content baby, then you don't need to worry :hug:
Im sick of my HV's they constantly make me feel like im doing something wrong and I dread going to have Maia weighed. I had a bit of a go at them last time cause all they do is interrogate me over her weight gain (she has always gained weight but has fallen from teh 75th centie to the 25th). Today she has put on a whopping 11 1/2 oz in 2 weeks which is amazing, so I told them how I dread coming and how they make me feel and they said that I have nothing to worry about over her weight gain and that they can see she is a fit and health baby. Why on earth didnt they say that weeks ago when they started hassling me :evil: they really upset me.

Take no notice of your HV's, I think Ivy's weight gain is brilliant and I would ask them why they are concerned.
My HV has always been really positive about weight gain and loss etc. I don't see why yours would have any issue with that gain... she sounds fine to me!!
As an average - most babies get back to birth weight by 2 weeks, (thats only most tho), after that around 6 ounces a week is considered average, although others babies will gain more some weeks and less others.

Hope that helps hun xx

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