Understanding OPK strips


Dec 16, 2018
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I am trying to use the OPK strips . Have not had one come back positive yet but to be fair I have not used many as I don’t think I am using them correctly . I get my period everyone 29 to 30 days and I don’t get what day I should start peeing on the sticks . My period last 4 /5 days so when would be the best time to use them. How many days after my period ?
Ive been opking and was getting worried as my app was telling me im in my FW but nothing, finally this morning CD16 i got a positive!!!! My cycle is notmaly 27 days if that helps!
Good luck!
I would start using the opks on CD8 every day on a good wee hold with no fluids 2 hours before if you are using the cheap ones.
Starting on CD8 you will be sure not miss your window x
Ive been opking and was getting worried as my app was telling me im in my FW but nothing, finally this morning CD16 i got a positive!!!! My cycle is notmaly 27 days if that helps!
Good luck!
Oh my congratulations I am delighted for you. That’s so good . Best of luck with your journey . Xox
I am trying to use the OPK strips . Have not had one come back positive yet but to be fair I have not used many as I don’t think I am using them correctly . I get my period everyone 29 to 30 days and I don’t get what day I should start peeing on the sticks . My period last 4 /5 days so when would be the best time to use them. How many days after my period ?

Hi Stephanie,

Best thing to do is download the ovia app, this was such a life saver for me. You input your period dates and it works it out roughly for you, as in when your fertile period might be - when the egg is getting ready basically.

If I remember correctly it will highlight maybe 5 days on a monthly calendar, so maybe test a day before that and see what you get, its a bit of trial and error, but the second line should get darker, your peak is when both lines are exactly the same, that's when you really need to get the :bd: in :lol: They say you will get the best result at 2pm, but for most of us it is convenient to test then, and they say test 3 times a day, to really make sure you don't miss it. I personally testing at 8pm on 2 days in a row and my peak was then - everyone is different.

You can also tell when ovulation is close by your cm, more ewcm, so like a stretchy kind of gluey consistency - this was my sign. Now I am not saying you need to be routing around in there, I would notice mine in my underwear, so I knew it was close.

In time you will kind of learn how long you cycles are and when roughly you might be ovulating, for example CD16 or CD17. Generally 14 days before your period is due, give or take.

Hopefully that makes some sense.

Wishing you all the best for this journey :dust: xx
Hi Stephanie,

Best thing to do is download the ovia app, this was such a life saver for me. You input your period dates and it works it out roughly for you, as in when your fertile period might be - when the egg is getting ready basically.

If I remember correctly it will highlight maybe 5 days on a monthly calendar, so maybe test a day before that and see what you get, its a bit of trial and error, but the second line should get darker, your peak is when both lines are exactly the same, that's when you really need to get the :bd: in :lol: They say you will get the best result at 2pm, but for most of us it is convenient to test then, and they say test 3 times a day, to really make sure you don't miss it. I personally testing at 8pm on 2 days in a row and my peak was then - everyone is different.

You can also tell when ovulation is close by your cm, more ewcm, so like a stretchy kind of gluey consistency - this was my sign. Now I am not saying you need to be routing around in there, I would notice mine in my underwear, so I knew it was close.

In time you will kind of learn how long you cycles are and when roughly you might be ovulating, for example CD16 or CD17. Generally 14 days before your period is due, give or take.

Hopefully that makes some sense.

Wishing you all the best for this journey :dust: xx
Thank you so much that is really helpful and very detailed which I needed . I have a few apps but will look into Ovia app like you mentioned . Sometimes I notice the sticky discharge but have tested before on the day I had it and the OPK test came back negative . Should of maybe done it earlier . Will defo be listening to your advice . Take care ❤️
I'd start around cd10. WIth cheap opks you need to test between 10am and 5pm and make sure your wee isn't too diluted. It's best not to drink or pee for 2 hours before but that's not always possible. Look out for EWCM.
I know that is not the best picture and it’s bery faded but usually I only have one line so does that mean I am maybe near ovulation time and should just test everyday or twice a day until I see two solid lines. Sorry for all the questions I’m just keen to see the sticks show me a positive . ❤️

Was that test from this morning? I'd probably test a couple of more times today, so around 3 and again this evening to see if it gets darker and keep that up for a couple of days until it's positive. What CD are you today? Xx
I know that is not the best picture and it’s bery faded but usually I only have one line so does that mean I am maybe near ovulation time and should just test everyday or twice a day until I see two solid lines. Sorry for all the questions I’m just keen to see the sticks show me a positive . ❤️

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Yes that’s a good line and will hopefully start to get darker now.
Best to test twice a day now you have a darkish line.
Was that test from this morning? I'd probably test a couple of more times today, so around 3 and again this evening to see if it gets darker and keep that up for a couple of days until it's positive. What CD are you today? Xx
Hello , yes maybe like half an hour ago . Yes I will defo keep up the testing to see if it gets darker . Well that’s another thing that confuses me . I had my period on the 9th of January and it ended on the 12th . My period usually comes every 29 to 30 days so someone says cycle day ? When do I start counting it from . Hope I make sense . Thank you xx
You start counting your cycle from the first day of your period, so you're CD 11 today, so it's good that your line has started to show already, you should definitely get a positive within the next week xx
You start counting your cycle from the first day of your period, so you're CD 11 today, so it's good that your line has started to show already, you should definitely get a positive within the next week xx
Thank you for your help . I’m really hoping so . Take care xx
Looks like ovulation is just around the corner, keep testing and that line should get darker :dance: x
I'd make sure you are dtd now, may every other day at least. I get the strong positive the day after I ovulate sometimes and you need to dtd in the days leading up to ovulation.

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