Under 20oz of milk a day


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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Ivys not feeding much at all. Shes had 8oz today and the latest feed which I'm giving her now will make it 13oz if she drinks it all. Shes only drinking that at a push she doesn't seem hungry for it at all. She will suck away at her dummy or my finger for comfort but spits the bottle back out if shes full or doesn't want it. Shes happy and bright lots of wet nappys and a dirty one once a day but shes just not hungry. I haven't had her weighed for 3 weeks but I know shes bigger, its just it doesn't seem like shes eating very much at all.

Shes just stopped drinking that bottle so it makes it 11oz she doesn't want anymore and is smileing and dribbleing it out I'll keep trying to get her to have some more when I have winded her but I doubt she will. She will probs have another 2 bottles today of 4oz we make her 5oz but she wont drink it all.

She has also started what I think is teething shes got the little white bumps on the front bottom gum and is dribbleing loads, could this be why?
Teething could be causing her some discomfort whilst feeding.
But she may just be having a off day where she just isnt that hungry. As long as she is happy and having plenty of wet nappies then i doubt there is much to worry about.
Maybe get her weighed so you know what she is now and if she continues to not feed as much you can keep an eye on her weight and make sure she doesnt lose.
My youngest daughter went through that, at one point she was only taking 7ozs all day. Really worrying! She started of drinking normally for the 1st month or so then that was it! She would take 3 or 4 bottles a day but only drink a couple of ozs. She did improve a bit but in the end I was so fed up with her not eating I weaned her at 5 months. I just wanted to say try not to worry too much, some babies just aren't big eaters :hug: I hope it passes for you but if it doesn't Aimee is now a happy healthy child whos 3 next month, still hardly eats but its not done her any harm. As long as she doesn't get dehydrated she should be fine.
Shes still hardly eating, she never has over 20oz a day and for the past few days it has gotten really bad, we have been makeing her normal 6oz bottles every few hours (I do her 6oz in hope she might want it all she usually only drinks 4-5oz)and she has only been taking 2oz. Today we were up at 6am and shes taken 6oz and thats it and shes not even wanting any now. :(
I told the HV I was worried when I seen her last week for Ivys weigh in and she said it doesn't matter because Ivy looks healthy and shes happy and content so theres nothing to worry about but I'm still not sure.
My son was exactly the same hun. He was never one for milk and would hardly take anything, I worried myself silly. I weaned him earlier than I had planned and he loved his food so much! Even now he stuffs his grub like there's no tomorrow but will hardly drink any milk so I have to give him yogurt and cheese to boost things and he has milkshakes every now and then.

Tamzin is going to be the same, she's not much of a feeder but because I'm breastfeeding I can't tell what she's taking but it still worries me!
Hey babe!! How is she feeding now?

As long as she's hydrated, I'd relax a bit. Her weight chart will show any concerns to the HV, and like she said, Ivy seems happy & healthy so I'd not worry too much, although I know it's easy to say and hard to do! :hug:

When Miss Evie was constipated and wouldn't take any fluids other than milk, the Dr said babies get thirsty (not just hungry), and told me to buy some baby juice (which says from 4months+) and dilute it with cool boiled water and give her that inbetween feeds which I do and Miss Evie loves it! Maybe try that?

She might be more thirsty than hungry at the moment? Babies go through wierd spurts with food, but then I do too and we're all human so maybe it's that? xx
Hey Hun,
Mhairi was exactly the same! If she is still having wet nappies and doing the odd poo, and still being her usual smiley self DO NOT WORRY ABOUT IT!!

I used to worry myself sick, until I realised one day that I have given birth to a sparrow, who only eats when she feels like it and won't eat if she doesn't!

I swear if I let her she'd still be on milk only as she's really not that fussed with that food malarky!

When she was Ivy's age a good day was 15oz in 24 hours. Even now, she'll eat 4 bran flakes in the morning and give me a "Wow mummy, full!!!" look! :roll:
Shes only had about 15oz today if I feed her more she sicks it straight back up at me lol! Still giggley smiley so guessing shes alright. Still going to toilet every day and lots of wet nappys aw the little hunger striker lol!

:hug: Thanks for all your experiances :) its good knowing its not just me :D
Sounds like she is doing just fine hun! As long as they are content and have wet nappies then all is well! :D
Hey hon :) a few questions

How often are you feeding her?

Also when she is feeding is she swallowing consistantly? I realised that sometimes Hay was only having a few oz because the flow wasn;t strong enough so now I do a few things at each feed and about 9/10 times he finishes but never used to so that could be a problem?
I tend to feed her on demand shes a sleepy girly like me lol. So when she wakes shes usually hungry she usually has 4-5 bottles but it really varys as to how much she would actually drink of them.

Yesterday she had 24oz but was sick loads.....today 15oz the past week has been around 15oz-20oz. Shes on the first flow teat but she seems to struggle to keep up with that. Usually ends up with most of it around her mouth lol, I think shes a bit too laid back haha just lets it drip in and shes happy. I get her weighed today (tuesday) Im intrested to see if she has gained much. Till last weigh in she was gaining a good 7oz every week. She was 10lb 1oz at 10weeks so I'll see how she is tomorrow . :)
typing with 1 hand as lily (also 12 weeks) asleep on my knee! i also have a tiny feeder - we are weaning onto bottle and today she's had 4oz formula and maybe 40 mins on breast. seems like nothing but she is happy and lively and filling her nappies so i'm not too worried. i optimistically make up 6oz every time but then pour 4-5oz away. hopethis reassures you a bit x
CorrieFan said:
typing with 1 hand as lily (also 12 weeks) asleep on my knee! i also have a tiny feeder - we are weaning onto bottle and today she's had 4oz formula and maybe 40 mins on breast. seems like nothing but she is happy and lively and filling her nappies so i'm not too worried. i optimistically make up 6oz every time but then pour 4-5oz away. hopethis reassures you a bit x

:D Yeh shes now going for a huge 16oz a day! :doh: Shes been taking 3oz each feed I just got excited then because she had 4oz.....then she gave me a big cheeky smile and spued up a oz!!!

:D Must be something to do with flower names hehe
Lily has had a great couple of days - two 5oz bottle and three 4oz bottles - whoohoo! :dance:

Glad to hear Ivy is becomming a gannet too. Did you notice I totally copied your 'Ivy report' in your signature idea!
:D yah and I like it! Hehe I like knowing how everyones little ones are getting on I think its really interesting, we should start a trend hehe. :) Also I have a sieve head and I forget things so easy so helps me remember!!!

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