Unable to carry girls?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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Anyone heard anything about people who are unable to carry girls but can carry boys to term?
i've heard people mention this before and when i had my last MC my friend said you might not be able to carry girls, i ddn't think much of it because i thought it was just a old wives tale but my mum had a mate who had 13 MC but in between she still had her 2 boys.

Not sure if its true or not.
that can happen it depends on the genes im currently seeing a genetic specialist and counsellor to undertake a few tests to see if i am unable to carry girls as i have lost 2 (possibly 3). as far as i know there is nothing in my family or OH family to point to this.

i can let you know anything when i have my appointment next year if you want me too? :hug: :hug:
that would be great if you could tracey.
i will be going to the dr in the new year hopefully they'll look into it for me
i just found this...

About a third of these, or one in about 300 women, suffer from secondary recurrence miscarriage (SRM) - the loss of three or more pregnancies after a successful pregnancy.

Dr Henriette Svarre Nielson and colleagues at the University Hospital of Copenhagen presented findings of the new study at the annual European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology conference in Prague yesterday.

Dr Nielsen said she believed that cells that pass through the placenta from a male foetus to the mother can increase the likelihood of her immune system rejecting later pregnancies.

"We observed that most of the women we were seeing in the clinic with recurring miscarriages who had previously had normal babies had boys.

"It is known that when a woman carries a male baby it can appear as strange to her immune system, and that up to 22 years later you can still find cells from her son's immune system in her body.

"We think that there is an immune response against genes from the male Y chromosome."

Dr Nielsen added that in at-risk women it was likely that the immune reaction triggered by a protein found on the surface of male cells was boosted to the point where it could later increase the chances of the body rejecting female foetuses too.
one of my friends has this hun and she had to go to hospital for a scan and blood tests as soon as she got to 6 weeks to find out what she was carrying, she did have to terminate 4 babies and lost 3 bit she has also got 4 healthy boys age 19.16,11,8 but she sis go through alot to get them but she does say that it was worth it
Yes I also believe it can be where the woman cannot carry girls...

My mum can't carry boys - hence 5 sisters - she rejected all 4 of the boys she conceived at various stages of pregnancy
i am thinking the same thing i have 2 girls and had 4 m/c and 2 of them i know were boys but when i asked my consultant to look into it she said NO and she didnt think this was the problem, i actually contacted a consultant in the states who does research on sex linked genes and he said that it was a big possability but my dr would have to agree to the tests :wall:

me and dh were going to go private for the tests but then we thought that if this was the case our options would be either ivf or keep trying and see what happens so we decided to just keep trying.
my aunt cant carry girls, she has 5 boys so it does happen :hug:
thanks for that lilou
do you know why she can't carry girls?
was she tested for anything?
sorry to ask questions but i really want to know if this could be an issue i have
i so want to have a girl, and i know i will keep trying
my sister cant carry girls she lost 2 1 at 15 weeks the other at 17 i think it was i no they were both 2nd tri loses.
she has carried 2 boys to full term though
manda xx

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