Ugh. Feel ill.


Active Member
Jan 12, 2010
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I don't even know if i am pregnant. Had a Neg. test a couple of days ago, i think it was too soon to tell. But up to date i feel...

  • Sick. For the last 5 days, nausea that starts around 9.30am and lasts all day.
  • Cramping (for 2 weeks)
  • Tingling nipples (chronic), sore breasts (2 weeks).
  • Exhausted come mid-afternoon
I don't know. If i am not pregnant, then i am really quite worried.

Do others have these kind of symptoms?
i'm new on here, i am feeling exactly the same except i havent done a test yet as i think its too early...i only had unprotected sex on 1st jan and 3rd jan but i have been having symptoms since sunday. my first feeling was really dizzy and lightheaded... my boobs are so sore and my nipples....ouch!!! i have been so hungry and really tired!!!
I would say :test: again in a few days :) sounds as if you're having a few symptoms to me :)
I don't "feel" pregnant though. When i fell pregnant with my son (11 years ago), i just knew straight away that i was. It was strange. I wasn't even having periods at the time because of being too underweight, so how that happened is a miracle.

Right now, i just feel unwell... :(
this is exactly the same for me poosmum... i havent had a period for 10 yrs as i was on depo. i came off it in october and went on the pill, then i had to come off the pill as i was having an operation to remove a cyst from my fallopian tube(the tube also went with it).... hadnt had sex in 5 weeks and the first time we did was 1st jan... i dont know if i have even been ovulating as the only sign of blood was a small bit of bloody brown discharge back in november(tmi .. i'm sorry lol).. but like you i just feel unwell... my hubby says he thinks i'm pregnant, he says there is just something diff about me... he even says my skin is blotchy which it never usually is....
oh i dont know... we had always said we didnt want kids(he already has 2) but i think now i woill be disappointed if i'm not!!
i'm not sure, i have never been pg before so i'm new to all this!!
Sometimes when u tests it wouldnt show to early on so id give it a few more days although i cudnt wait cos i had the gut feeling i was preg an it came up straight away.
gud luck xx
i think i will only be able to wait until saturday lol... when i get into town i wont be able to resist buying a test x
Hi Tiaflame, I would test at the weekend maybee, I had sex on the 3rd, 4th and 6th Jan, and I (Think) I got a faint line on a test this am, but am going to wait a few days to save wasting money on more tests and being disapointed! - Good Luck- JJ
well i'm going into town today... gonna just buy cheapies for now , will try either today or tomoro and next week!! fingers crossed!!
Don't get too upset if you don't get much of a result or no result at all on cheapies - I did about 20 of them all together, all horribly faint. I did proper tests 2 days ago, result came up within seconds. Tried a cheapie again out of curiosity today, AF 2 days late and now I can see the line but is still faint. Goood luck! x
I feel okay today, not sick at the moment. Boobs are still quite sore..but definitely not pregnant. :(
Yep. Two negatives. I think i am hoping too much - hence clinging onto every symptom i am feeling. I went to the doctors yesterday and she said i had a stomach infection and that is why i feel sick...
I've got period pains today, i am due in 6 days....and i am getting really angry and pee'd off with people. It's PMS time....
ive felt the same for two weeks now ..this week a lil better but still cramping..but no period last one was Dec 12th!! ive done two test and negative...i dunno whats goin on :eek:/

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