Two questions about baby milestones


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Just wondering when I should be expecting Connie to start grabing for items? She seems to know that waving arms around in the air makes things move when she is on her baby gym.

Also, she has just started to roll from tummy to side but not all the way over yet onto her back, it seems to be gravity rather than a concious effort to turn over. Is this still classed as rolling or is it when they do it on purpose?
She seems about the age to soon start grabbing. Angel was about 3 months. She learnt to bat things around 8-9 weeks.

As for rolling, if it's a roll then it's a roll. Effort or not. You'll find at the beginning it's more by accident. Angel did hers trying to turn to watch the telly. Shocked her a little.
Every baby is different. kyran wasnt interested in picking things up til around 4 months. he rolled over about 5 months onto his belly and didnt leant to roll from his front onto his back until he was 7months. he also started sitting at 7months. i think i really saw the biggest change in him developmentally by 4months, he learnt things at a much quicker pace from then on.
Cant remember when Calleigh started grabbing things but i should imagine it was around 3 months.
However she has only rolled once and has never attempted to do it since, i would say a roll is a roll whether they intended to do it or not :) Thats how they learn they can do it i suppose
Kayleigh was about 3.5 months when she started grabbing things and she was the same as your lo with the rolling. She got onto her side in her sleep at about 4 months, maybe a bit earlier, then went through a stage of rolling all the way over but now wont bother - think she is lazy! If I put her on hr belly (which she hates) she will roll onto her back almost straight away and has no interest in crawling either. I wouldn't worry, they are all different! xx
Rudy started to grab about a week ago, in fact it was the first time he has shown any interest in toys.

rolling - about 15 weeks, he can get onto his side but not right over yet, and can roll from front onto back.

grabbing - 15 weeks too - then he just got better and better so quickly! he can now pass things from one hand into his other :) puts his dummy in too!!

he's becoming more interested in sitting up now too and can hold himself up for a bit, then falls to the side :lol:

i also noticed around 4 months he progressed REALLY quickly! :)

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