two middle names?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2008
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has anyone on here got , or have kids with 2 middle names?

i know middle names dont get used much, so its not a massive deal, but i told my mum what i was thinking, to which she replied 'why 2 middle names, sounds like youre trying to be posh. dont you think its a bit stuck up'

i know its none of her business but just wanted to see what everyone thought :?
yes Thomas has 2 middle names 1 normal 1 weird lol
This baby will also have 2 middle names again 1 normal 1 weird
fair enough :D

and its not like the names im choosing i've randomly plucked out the sky,

Louise is my middle name, and i'd like her to have mine too, because everyone else in my family shares a relatives name in some form, except me,

then im torn between 2 names, which both mean something in greek, which is a country and lanuage very dear to me
Tia has 2 middle names :) I have none. :lol: Her father demanded that she was called Tia which I hated... so she got Heather which was my sister's middle name (she died) and she got the Scottish name I originally wanted 8)
Not stuck up at all!

Usually if people have 2 middle names it is because they are of significance in some way - like a family name plus another name you like.

It's your baby - call him/her whatever you like!!!!!!!
my little boy had two middle names, both family names, neither i would use as a first name but are fine in the middle.
my LO will have 2 middle names- the grandparents names so graham robert or beverley patricia

i myself have 2 middle names, my 2 grandmothers names, so am continuing with the family trend
zach has two middle names, john daniel.
john's my dads name, but because zachs last name's fry (also mine & my dads last name), i added daniel, otherwise it would have just been my dads name with zachary stuck on the beginning!
alice has two... my nans name (rose) and OH's nans name (bronwen). She died not long after alice was born and we decided to put OH's nan's name in alice's name in memory of her.

Lewis currently just has one middle name planned
Finlay has two middle names.

Robert after my uncle who died a few years ago and then he has my surname too. He did originally only have my surname but we changed it to OHs surname but I didn't want to lose mine. I'm making my surname a middle name when we get married so I'll have 2 middle names too :D
both my kids and all 4 of my sisters carry my step fathers surname as a family tradition so they all have a first, middle then second middle (which is his surname) and surname.

We are not stuck up in the least :)
Both my sons have 2 middle names, it kind of runs in he family - I have 2, my mum does, my grandad does etc. With both boys we chose a first name purely on whether we liked it, then middle names that had some sort of significance. One from my side of the family and one from OH's so noone was left out! I love my boys' names :D
I have 2 and so does Dan. I never thought it was odd until my OH said it was! The third one does get dropped quite a bit on bank cards etc
Dan has two, one named after my dad and the other after OH's close friend who died a few years ago.
My brother has two middle names - one a family name and the other just a name my parents liked.

When naming me my parents couldn't decide between two names so they decided one would be my first name and the other my middle name. The order of the names was decided by what colour hair i was born with!
Sam&Alice said:
alice has two... my nans name (rose) and OH's nans name (bronwen). She died not long after alice was born and we decided to put OH's nan's name in alice's name in memory of her.

Lewis currently just has one middle name planned

Lewis itself is already a great name :rotfl:

Back on Topic..

My Lewis has two middle names too :)
Ryan has 2 middle names as I couldnt decide on his first name between Zach and Ryan, and it was always decided he had OH name as a middle name, so we just had all the names. Sometimes I wish I hadn't as I feel a bit bad for him, it making his name a bit long, but the 2nd middle name isnt used on anything so it's sort of optional.. if you know what I mean. Theres never any space for it on forms, so it's probably not ever gonna be used unless you really want it to.

Ryan Zachary Nathanael by the way 8)
Oliver has 2 middle names Travis after my baby brother who died(kinda fitted as found out i was preg on the day of his funeral) and James after Matts pop Oliver Travis James Simmons

I also have 2 middle names Jane after my nana and Brett....this name runs in my mums side of the family several generations back some of us were called Brett and the only surviving Brett died and my nannies nan decided to put it my nans mums full name so the name didnt die out so to spk and its carried on from there all family from my nans mum has Brett as a middle name

i wanted it in all my kids names but Matt didnt like it but i finally managed to persuade him to let zachary have it as his middle name!!!!
Ivy is Ivy Bernadette Patricia. I always get "Why give her a nice short name and then have those big names after!?!" its annoying because the names mean something to me. If you like two names, have them :)

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