

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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What do people know about having twins?

I was told that i have a chance of having twins because my dad was one, anyone know if this is right?

I dont know too much on twins but if it is in your family you will have a higher chance of havong twins. I usually thought is skipped a generation but not sure if thats true , someone will be able to help more :lol:

you have more chance of having twins if they are in the family, but your more likely to have them if there are twins your Mothers side of the family.
I think its a myth about twins skipping a generation. My Maternal Grandma had twins and my mother had twins (me and my brother)
The chances of having twins also increase with age and the number of pregnancy you have.
I'm at very high risk, I'm 39 a twin and have had 3 preganancies. :roll:
If your dad is a twin then you are at chance to have twins as it is in your family, but more likely if your mother was a twin?! Think thats the way they look at it.
I have looked into this as my DH is an identical twin...They are a freak of nature and if your dad was a identical twin then the risk is no more increased...

don't know if this extra info helps any
It depends a lot whether he was an identical twin or not.

If so, it's just a chance that the egg split, if he was a fraternal twin(non identical) then it is a hereditry thing.

However,the thing to look for is if the history is on your mother's side of the family such as your mother or grandmother was a twin etc...

This certainly increases your chances of a multiple birth.

Also if you are over 35, each subsequent pregnancy and you have conceived twins before.

however, this doesn't all guarantee a multiple birth.

I have twins and had a failed pg last time with twins but this time I am (happily :D ) having one, I'm going for the easy life this time!

Twins are a joy and I wouldn't be without them double the love makes double the work so worth it.

Also worse symptoms do not necesarilly point towards a multiple birth as i felt a lot worse this time than my previous multiple pregnancies!

Good luck with however many you may have x :)
Hi Flame,
My first PG started out as twins, I got scan at 8 weeks and had Two little beans and heartbeats. The next scan visit was at 14 weeks and i was told they could only find one heart beart this time. They told me it is more common than most people realise, the twin had just stopped growing. my body would reasorb it and the other baby would develop normally. I guess thats what must have happened as I gave birth to a healthy 7lb 9oz boy..16 yrs ogo. I feel lucky i had Lewis.

I believe I have a higher chance of twins as this happened to me 1st time round, My gran had twins and I am now 36 so i am more likely to release more eggs at ovulation.... oh and i have protein in my urine. :think:
But my scan on the 27th will reveal all.. :pray:

Good luck with you PG no matter how many you have, every ONE is a blessing :hug:
Flame said:
What do people know about having twins?

I was told that i have a chance of having twins because my dad was one, anyone know if this is right?

it dependswhether your dad was identical or fraternal.
If he was identical there is no more chance of you having twins as anyone else but if he was fraternal then your chances are increased.

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