Twinges and bloating on one side?


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2012
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Hello :) This is my first pregnancy and I'm 5 weeks tomorrow. For the past few days I have been having the odd twinge in both sides which is normal I know. However the last couple of days I have had more in my left side of my abdomen along with bloating which is sometimes a bit uncomfortable. They're not painful and I'm not bleeding. I also feel OK in myself. I don't like to look online because everything always pops up with ectopic! I do have bad IBS, so maybe it could be bad gas? Plus with my pcos it could be a cyst, or even the baby implanted that side. Anyone else twingy in one area? I guess I just want a little reassurance as I can be quite an anxious person. :) I have an early scan at 6+5. Thank you xx
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Hiya, my twinges were mainly on my right side, and my bloating has been ridiculous, im so gassy and uncomfortable at night i feel like my stomach is going to explode, im still getting period cramps every now and again now and it seems to be when i need to loo but get there and i cant go, im hoping to GP tomorrow for some laxatives or something.

Try not to worry, i have 3 boys already and in every pregnancy i had sharp twinges and cramps all the way through xxx
When I had a scan at 9+4 last week the sonographer identified quite a big cyst on my right ovary. I do have pcos but she said this wasn't those type of cysts. Whatever side you have ovulated from you have a small cyst called the Corpeus Luteum. It releases hormones in early pregnancy like progesterone. In some people the CL enlarges a bit further. She said they usually go by around 12 weeks and I may feel ovulation type pain when it does. It causes no harm to mother or baby - I have checked this afterwards too! I have had more twinges on my right side. I conceived on clomid which also makes having a bigger cyst more likely apparently.
Thanks ladies, bit of reassurance for me :) Yeah we conceived on Clomid too so that's a thought. Xx
My left side is causing me bother, feels like my stomach but pain is radiating. It comes and goes.

But I imagine all is well :)


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