

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2006
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Hello ladies,

Any Mum's had to have the baby turned due to breech position? I know absolutely nothing about it, know no one that has been turned and would love to hear of some experiences in case I need to have it done, want to know what to expect!


Kat x
Hi Kat,

Cant help you really.... I nearly had to have Aimee turned but she moved by herself (thank god) at 37weeks & stayed there.

I know sitting on a birthing ball is supposed to help which is what I did.
They usually leave you until labour now & if still breech then try a push the baby round which isnt very nice - if all else fails its a c-section.

dont worry, Im sure he/she will turn xx
Thanks Duds,

I really hope babba turns soon as I am sure I have heard turning isn't especially pleasant! The consultant is only giving me till 36 weeks to turn or they will attempt turning if it doesn't work they will book me in for a c-section, apparently Portsmouth doesn't have the staff to deal with a breech so they don't risk it, they just get you in and whip it out! Feeling very apprehensive!

Kat x
I know its difficult not to worry I remember how I felt. I dont know what a c-section is like but if I had the choice now I think id have one.

All you can do is sit upright as much as poss & use the birthing ball (if you have one) and hopefully he/she will turn.
Fingers crossed for you hun
My sister was breech (born 29 years ago) and she was birthed normally (ie without a c-section), though my Mum had to go into hospital because of it. Why are they now all birthed via c-section?
My first two babies were breech, as I have a bicornuate ( heart shaped ) uterus, so they are more comfy that way. I had both vaginaly, and they went ok, but when number three was breech, they reccomended a c section, just to be on the safe side. I found it much better, and number 4 was breech too, so a c section. Dont worry too much, if you have to have a section, I found them fine, and didnt have any problems with recovery afterwards, infact it was less painful, as I was cut with 1 and 2, and couldnt sit down for ages!!
I have seen a breech turned on one of those baby programmes and it looked v. uncomfortable, I think I would leave it in the position it is!
I expect this baby( I am 18 weeks ) will be breech too, they like sitting up. You can ask for a scan to see how big baby is if it wont turn on its own, and then make a decision, as the smaller it is, the easier a normal delivery is if thats what you are hoping for.
Good luck. Lol

Breech birth is a little more difficult as there is greater risk of the umbilical cord being damaged and asphyxia and they often only allow extended breech and flexed breech (thighs up against chest) to be born naturally so baby can come down bum first, my little sod is footling breech and wants to come foot first - ouch!


Thanks for the reassurance about the c-section, been speaking to my midwife today and she doesn't hold out much hope for a successful turn because of babba's position and the scan is showing average size argh!
Good luck, I was a bit negative about a c section, but believe me after 2 natural births, the c section was actually quite a blessing...going to take in some relaxing music to play to see baby into the world next time, as they were playing ' The first cut is the deepest ', for my 1st c section :lol: , couldnt help but laugh..very appropriate!
Ahh thanks lady! I have heard good and bad about c-section so its good to finally hear from someone that has had both. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy - did I count five there?!?!? That makes me feel better it can't be that bad if you have through it five times!!!

Kat x
I saw this thing on telly once where the baby was breech and a few times a day the woman would get down on all fours and rock back and forward.

Worth a try
Thanks Laura, Happy to give anything a try terrified of being stuck somewhere and going into labour with it coming feet first! Will give it a go this week! :D
yes i've heard of the birthing ball and also crawling on all fours helping to turn a breech baby.. i read up on the hospital trying to turn a baby as mine was breech. Luckily mine turned at 35 weeks but i was the same as you feet down. In the end my LO just decided he/she wanted to be head down and turned... which was quite painful! i knew exactly when it happened... but what i read didn't sound too scarry. They give you an injection aparently to relax your muscles, then they massage your bump and try to roll the baby over... i personnely don't know anyone who's had it done so don't know how it feels. I ask my MW if my hospital did it often.. they do aparently and they're quite good at it.. really big hospital thou so they come up against all sorts of problems every day... still time for your LO to turn alone thou... warning - it makes you feel sick when baby decides...

good luck

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