Turning over in bed pain


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
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Hi ladies. Well, i havent experienced pain in my bump in bed till this morning. I'm normally quite comfortable in bed, i prop my leg up and kinda rest my bump on the bed. But last night i went to turn over to my right and i had really bad pain on the side of my bump! It went after about a minute of lying on my other side.

Also i had to dart out of bed a little later as my dog was scratching to get out of the living room and made her way upstairs. I felt/heard a load of continious popping/clicking sounds at the top of my bump which went after about 5 minutes. Any ideas? I thought maybe it was uterus returning to its normal shape after lying on it for a certain amount of time? It was really weird...i haven't had it before :eh:
Not sure about the popping etc... But I get a lot of bump pain during the night and in the morning when I move from side to side where it must have been pulled under the weight of the baby- it sort of an achy soreness but goes once I'm up and about.
Mine aches when I turn over in bed, I have to stop briefly at the half way point for a breather!!! Not had the popping clicking thing though although my hips click repeatedly.
I hate bed!!! its when I in my most pain and I shout out loud when I turn over lol. My hip also go's numb after so long on one side so I have no choice but to turn over but really dont want to.
I also havent had the clicking thing!!!!
I also find that I can't turn over without needing the loo!
Hmm, gonna ask the midwife about the clicking.

Seriously i have always been comfortable in bed till last night! Ow ow ow! Oh and i peed 3 times last night too between 2-6am! Grrr

I get numbness in my arm when i've been sleeping. Oh the joys of pregnancy!
I posted a thread about clicking the other day! I find when little man's moving I hear a clicking from my bump. I've googled it but not alot is coming up!! I also find it quite painful to turn in bed if I've been in the same position for ages! Midwife said it's where the babies on a nerve but as soon as I'm up the pain goes!
Me too, I bloody hate bed time, my right side always goes completely numb to the point where my leg starts to burn! Then when I turn over I have to stop half way take a breather and then turn myself again, once I've done this I need to go to the loo everytime grrrr must get less than 3 hrs sleep a night, also wake up with acid in my throat most nights that nearly chokes me to death and have to go downstairs and drink lots of milk and ice cubes!!! :( don't cha just love been preggers!!!!! :) x

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