Pain :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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After I had been up town yesterday & got back, I got what was like real bad period pains so I had a lie down which helped. However after that I started getting a real bad pain in the bottom of my spine :( I couldn't bend or anything cos it hurt so much! I'm still lying in bed dreading getting up just in case it's still there! I'm such a wimp! Is anybody else getting this? Could it be because how little lady is lying? X x
Ah hun, it could be that shes on a nerve? I had that with my first it was so painful... sometimes if you get on all fours if you can it will help her to shifty over...

What Im getting at the moment is my little man keeps sitting on a nerve and it sends shooting pains down my legs :( and it's normally at night!!!!!

Have you bent awkwardly or anything?? Could be that? or possibly a UTI?? xx
Could b bby on a nerve.. Or mayb u over done it and ur body is telling u to relax.. Or it's possible it could be a uti..
Try and have a warm bath and see if it helps x
hope u feel better hun I agree with Jayceemumma hope it is just lo on a nerve xxxx
Thanks girls. I did have to lift some heavy bags thanks to a very unhelpful taxi driver! Then I had to carry them into the house. Jay is running me a bath, so will have a nice relax in it, touch wood since getting up I've been ok! I've got an appointment with consultant on Friday, if I've got a UTI they should pick it up when they test my urine, right?? Thanks again girls x x x
Yeah they'll pick it up then :) if u have more pains tho call ur mw x enjoy ur bath :D
Good. Yeah I will do, especially if it's that bad again, don't think I could stand it! Thanks, I've chucked a few bath bombs in :D x x
It's still there, but only very mild! When I'm stood up doing something it does hurt more! I'm trying not to do much. Gonna keep an eye on it. I'm out for a meal tonight with the girls, so that should take my mind off it :) x x
sounds like u may have overdone it hun..... everything inc muscles etc gets so much softer in pregnancy so its easy to stretch something a bit too much.
Hope u have a good nite xxx
Thanks girls, I think your right and I did overdue it on Friday as it has eased loads, just notice it when i'm standing doing things, so i'm definitely taking it easy now! Wanna avoid pain like that at all costs! X x
Ooof I hope it eases soon. I get all tight and achy and painy when I've done too much. Just take it easy today and relax.
sorry to hear that lilmoomin! baby is already testing mummy lol! xx

Thanks. Yeah she sure is lol x x

Ooof I hope it eases soon. I get all tight and achy and painy when I've done too much. Just take it easy today and relax.

Thanks Kitty, thing is Ash is doing 12 hour days at the mo, so its not easy trying to relax, things have got to be done :( Gotta have a walk up town in a minute as there's a few bits I need to get :( hoping to persuade the boys to come with me! X x
Take it easy babe.. Glad ur feeling better!xx

Thanks hun, my youngest son went up town with me & carried most of the stuff bless him. I am thinking it might be down to how I lifted a bag as when I picked one of the bags up, the pain was there instantly :shock: it took me by surprise I dropped the bag!

Back home now relaxing x x
Aww bless sounds like u have a great son there :D
Put ur feet up and relax :D x

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