Tummy time


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Henry hates tummy time. For the past week I've tried everythin I can think of to stop him screaming lol!

I've tried at different times of the day, puttin him on a blanket and his playmat, usin his tummy time mat, usin toys to distract him, singing, playing with him. I've tried helpin him roll over too. I've also propped him up with a rolled up blanket but he doesn't like any of it. I've left him to cry for a min whilst talkin to him to see if that helps.

Anythin u can suggest that I've not tried? I know he needs to do tummy time but I'm gettin put off doin it cos he hates it :(
Tyler has gone off it this week. I used to let him do it against my chest so he got used to holding his head up. If that makes sense?

I put G on my feeding pillow (it's a horseshoe shaped one and I put him in the middle of it so that he is supported from the sides too iykwim) so his chest is quite high up, and he can see much further and pay with his toys easier. I knw you said you used blanket, but maybe that's not quite enough?

Other than that I'd just say don't give up and keep trying xx
I will try with my feeding pillow, thanks :D I use it to help him sit but thought it was too high for tummy time. Worth a go!
Oz used to hate tummy time, he never once enjoyed it. I used to do it, but for short periods, like a few mins here n there throughout the day, found he got on better that way. xxx
i guess you could prop him sitting up instead if he prefers it, tummy time is to help him develop his neck muscles so it would still work as long as hes supporting his own head, just that in the sitting position he couldnt put his head down and rest it so you wouldnt be able to leave him or do it for long
I did the chest thing too, but she's still not too impressed. Put her on tummy after bath today, and was explaining to my folks she has no interest in holding her head up (although she has great neck control - and little bugger promptly pulled her head up and looked around for ages! :wall2:
Sorry but I don't think that propping him sitting is a good idea yet - too much pressure for the little back! And tummy time is not only about neck control, it also teaches babies to roll and to crawl. Sorry that's just what I heard xx
Another idea - does he like 'flying' on your legs? I lay on my back with my knees up to my chest and put G on his tummy on top of my legs iykwim. I support his chest with my hands and rock him. He loves it!! And it's sort of tummy time :)
Put a good size mirror in front of him they love to look at themselves
my HV said you only need to do it for like 30 secs-1 min at a time just a few occasions during the day! so dont worry if he wont do it for longer than 30 secs, its really hard work for them so you dont want them doing for a long time anyway.

across the legs and over your shoulder count as tummy time too :) i just went to a mums group about tummy time so found out quite alot about it xxxx
He loves to be on my shoulder and likes to sit on our laps as well so I suppose that counts x
Apparently when they are in a sling counts as tummy time too. I do what pp does and he has tummy time on me, he'll lift his head right up however on a mat no chance!! X
Ariel loves tummy time but he particularly likes it on his changing mat so have started doing it after a bath so he's propped on his elbows and he gets a little baby back massage too.
Henry actually does it quite a lot on me then, just hates bein on the floor. I will keep puttin him on the floor, like some of u have said even if it's only for a minute it's better than nothing.
What age did you all start tummy time from out of interest?
From about 2 weeks as he was able to pull his head up for a few seconds. Mw suggested I do it from our 10 day appt x
We started when she was a few days old. k does tummy time 4-5 times a day, but only for a few minutes because she gets cranky. I think you need to do tummy time on the floor. Its not just about strengthening their necks, but it also teaches them how to use their arms etc. They need to do tummy time to figure out how to roll and crawl. Right now K just prefers to lick the blanket she is on or try to roll over haha.

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