tummy time


Active Member
Sep 29, 2008
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How are you all getting on with tummy time?
James is 11 weeks tomorrow, and still doesn't like tummy time. He can last 30 seconds before screaming the house down. I've seen other babies at parent group actually enjoying time on their tummies. James is at a stage where he hates lying on his back and wants to sit up all the time.
Bah, my 7 month old babe will only just tolerate being on his tummy for about 2 mins max. H ehas always dislked it since birth. It seems that some babies do enjoy it but there are also quite a few babies who loathe it. Just keep trying everyday but it really doesn't mean anything if your LO doesn't like it, it is just their preference.

Calum likes being on his tummy but not all babies do. I would offer them some time on their tum because even a few mins will help strengthen their muscles but don't worry if they don't think much of it.
Evie used to have about a minute on her tummy everyday from about 6 weeks- she hated it. Then, she worked out how to roll and suddenyl she loved being on her tummy! :lol:
My LO only started tolerating being on her tummy at around 8 months, but never for too long periods. Because of this she still hasn't shown any signs of being interested in crawling (yet she is already cruising and has started standing on her own for a few seconds). I would just keep trying putting your LO on his yummy, if he doesn't like it leave it and when (if) he does make sure you'll give him plenty of opportunity to be on tummy as this will help him to learn to crawl.
Eva hated it too for the first 7 months she just snogged the carpet or yelled at us :lol: She got the hang eventually once she could roll and push up high enough to be comfortable and look around. You could try putting a flattish cushion under your LOs tummy to prop them up a bit, and something interesting to look at on the floor just in front, dont worry though they all get there eventually :hug:
Connie would complain if she WASN'T on her tummy. She started sleeping on her front as soon as she learnt to roll a month ago and spends most of her waking time on her tummy when playing. I put her on her front every opportuinty when she was tiny as it helped with her wind.
God Isla HATES tummy time. She face plants into the carpet and screams :roll:

But when she being held, she lies on my chest and pushes herself up that way....so in some way she is still working her neck muscles :think:

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