Tummy Time?!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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My baby is 3 months and he is doing all sorts getting more and more fun every day! But he hates tummy time, he doesn't mind across my knee but cries everywhere else and just hates it! I'm worried it will hinder is crawling and rolling etc? He loves it on his back kicking etc and sort of leans to the side! just wondering if anyone elses little ones dislike tum time and when they learnt to roll? Thanks xx
No advice really, I've started Sofia already haha and she loves tummy time! Maybe introduce putting him on his side?
do you trty to play with him when hes on his tummy? i used to roll noa across the bed n every time he came on his tummy i wated a few sseconds extra n trieed to make him laugh before we keept rolling.. hes not over keen now but dont really like being on his back either, hes too nosey so most rolls over on his side
Zac hated tummy time, but I still put him on his tummy every day for about a minute, maybe even less, then one day at about 4months he just decided he liked it and started rolling from front to back soon after. X
Charley still hates tummy time but from only afew weeks old I made him have a couple of minutes of tummy time everyday. He started rolling over front to back at 9 weeks because he hates being on his tummy so much and even now if I put him on his tummy he rolls straight over!
Just keep him busy during tummy time , give him a mirror . Or lay on your own tummy in front of him and make faces at him . Aoibheann hated it at first but doing that really helped
Thanks all, some good tips! I'd been putting him on his tum on the bed or in his cot or sofa so it was soft if he banged head and I had been talking to him etc but last night put him on change mat and ..... He loved it!! I lay next to him and he was even smiling ! Cracked it x
Oh god I had better try again with this I think.

Devon does this headbut thing, even on soft stuff, and would then end up in sobs of tears.
I do have him on my tum and he trys to lift his head , but then crashes down on me!!
Oh god I had better try again with this I think.

Devon does this headbut thing, even on soft stuff, and would then end up in sobs of tears.
I do have him on my tum and he trys to lift his head , but then crashes down on me!!

Have you tried putting his arms over a rolled up towel or the edge of a cushioned change mat/play mat, that's how I started otherwise he would hit his head. He got less frustrated this way too xxx
Thanks all, some good tips! I'd been putting him on his tum on the bed or in his cot or sofa so it was soft if he banged head and I had been talking to him etc but last night put him on change mat and ..... He loved it!! I lay next to him and he was even smiling ! Cracked it x

:dance: yay x

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