Tummy time question


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2014
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My LO hates tummy time.... He used to love it but recently he hates it, he won't push himself up unless he has a support under his chest (like a rolled up towel) if you take the towel out he just face plants the mat and sucks it lol!

What can I do? Is this a bad thing?

I'm worried he won't be able to crawl etc if he doesn't start to spend more Time on his tummy xxx
Our girly hates it. I let her do it as long as she wants. Sometimes put one of her fave toys or play a bit of peppa pig on ipad at her level and get down there with her. She still won't do it for long but some is better than none.
Both my children weren't keen on it at all. But when they both learnt to roll over and they developed more strength in their arms that seemed to help a bit. Lily now always rolls from her back to her tummy. She gets fed up after about 5 mins and rolls back but she will be on her tummy again before you know it. She doesn't like it but keeps doing it if that makes sense and she's just starting to try and move she is pushing with her feet. My little boy did the same from what I can remember too xxxx
My LO is 15 Weeks and hates tummy time on the floor. If I've got him lying on me he will quite happily lift his head. My 2 year old was the same and it never stopped her crawling. I wouldn't worry about it x
Thanks ladies... I just worry he won't be able to roll over etc if he doesn't build that strength up but if I lay him on me he does lift his head and if he's on the towel he doesn't mind it for a while but he never pushes up using his arms, he uses all his neck and back muscles lol! xxx
Of course he'll learn to crawl, don't worry! Face planting is perfectly normal, just keept trying with both ways and he'll crack it eventually :)

I was reading that at 12 week they should be able to do mini push ups, isaac doesn't :( xxx
He will do it hun. Don't worry. It's only an average with them sort of things. Lily has only recently started doing mini push ups in the last month and she's 7 months old tomorrow xxx
Oh really, can she sit up and things like that though? I thought that if they didn't have strength in their arms that they won't meet milestones like sitting up etc until later xxx
My lo likes tummy time and lifts his head but doesn't use his arms yet either - as others have said it will come eventually, just keep offering him the opportunity to try :-)
Colleen, please don't take this the wrong way but stop reading!!!!!! Or at least don't take it as they should be doing such and such by such an age! Those ages are only guidelines, please don't hyperfocus on them.

As an example, Riley pushed himself upright at 3 months, he didn't staft crawling until 9 months, he didn't start walking until 13.5 months! He's still not saying words, just babbling, and has not long started to be able to point with one finger.

Conversely, Malachy has already pushed himself up and is rolling at 11 weeks.

Babies and children do things in their own time, please don't worry about when he will start!

Lol don't worry I don't take anything the wrong way... I know I read way to much, I'm a nightmare, you should have known me when I was trying to conceive isaac lol.

Thanks ladies, I'll just keep trying with him :) xxx
Just keep trying, they all get there. Do you have a play gym? I'd put my little girl on her tummy under the gym and she started pushing herself up to see the toys and bat them

My little girl was born with torticollis and I worried she would never hold her head up, my mum just laughed at me and asked "how many 1 year olds do you see that can't hold their head up? Or how many school kids?"

My point is she couldn't hold her head until she was 3 months. Now she's got it no problem. They all get there one way or another
Lily's just starting to sit up hun. But she's been focusing more on trying to crawl than sit up. They do it all in their own order and own time hun xxxx
My lo is 14 weeks and gate tummy time. He can hold his head when I hold him but when I do tummy time he can't lift his head. Just lays down!!! I'm sure he will do it on his own time!!
Ive learnt today that he will do it on his changing mat but not his play mat lol, strange child... Going to have to buy another changing mat, don't fancy him face planting where I change his bum xxx
I would say be careful doing tummy time on a changing mat cus they're quite smooth and sliooy so it might be hard for him to get a goid elbow grip

Hi Colleen, hopefully this link will work!

I work with children aged 0-5 and we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage which is an educational framework which guides us on how to plan activities and to also identify any child who needs extra help. If you go to page 8 on the download that will take you to where a child should be at what age - as yoiu will see it is very broad as no two children will achieve things at the same time. It also gives you ideas on activities you can do with Isaac. Hope this can help in some way?

DD didnt like tummy time so I never really did it with her untill she was older. It does help them develop but its not really going to help if they hate it. There are other ways they can develop too. She could hold her own head up and turn it around from just over a week old and was an early roller and crawler. I later read that babies with reflux often hate tummy time so I think that could have been her problem.
Lollie thank toy very much that link is really helpful :) bunny isaac is the same he can hold his head up really well, he sits in his jumparoo and holds his body upright for ages, he's just not a tummy time lover lol, he's alwats sick if I put him on it, even when I wait an hour xxx

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