Tummy Pain


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2008
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I was wondering if anyone could advise... I have tummy pain, it started this afternoon and into this evening. Basically it aches and every 5 to 10 minutes I get a sharp pain. There are no other symptoms at the moment but I am really worried something might be wrong. I am ten weeks and this is my first pregnancy. Is this sort of discomfort normal? I have had stratching cramps but this is different.. Should I go to docs? Or should I wait and see if develops/goes? Or is this normal? When I was 5 weeks I had cramping and panicked and went to docs and he told me nothing he could do and if I was going to miscarry just one of those things. Luckily everything was ok but put me off going to docs when have a problem as made me feel like I was wasting his time. Anyway, what do you think? Please help as am really scared.
What a horrible dr you saw at 5 weeks :shock: :shock: :shock: !!

It's probably nothing to worry about but you know your body the best so it if feels different to the stretching pains you've had before then speak to another dr or your midwife and get a referral to the early pregnancy unit to confirm everything's ok.

:hug: :hug:
Hi Daisybee, Don't worry too much I have been having the same thing its normal means all is growing in there, I am 12 weeks and been getting sharp shooting pain on my side all night and now around my front under my belly button, they really do catch me by suprise . it does feel different from the last stretching pain I had but read loads online coz i was concerned but it seems to be stretching of uterus ligaments which is common in 3rd and 4th Month of pregnancy where we both are right now. If there is no blood there is no need to worry hun. PM me if you feel you need too. I find applying heat to the area helps and try to relax ie in front of TV or read a book should pass in couple days. Have a bath or do what I am doing apply a hot water bottle on your belly and a nice hot drink! Dusty x
Thank you for being so reassuring, feel much better now. Still having a few pains but nothing like before. Will mention to mw when i see her but sure you are right and just feels different as pregnancy develops. Thank You!
You quite welcome Daisybee, Woke up this morning and the pains have gone so am pleased, expecting them to come back though at some stage the permanent hot water bottle attached to my belly all eve watching TV helped though! I to will mention them to my MW when i finally go for my scan on the 4th Nov. lol Dusty x

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