tummy bug


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Morgans been a right grump since yesterday lunchtime. i keep checking his temp and its fine, i couldnt figure out what was wrong with him

this morning he had a poo and it was really liquidy but i only worried cos hes just had another poo. normally he only goes every 3 days, twice in 1 day is a real change for him.

hes taking milk but not as much as usual. Im offering it quite frequently cos im worried about dehydration. hes also more sleepy than normal. he didnt have a night feed last night and slept til 8.45 which is very unusual for him.

are there any signs/warning lights that i should be looking out for overnight. im not so concerned that i want him to see a doc just yet but i realised i dont know anything about managing baby tummy bugs.
Is he being sick at all? Liv has had one but she was being sick constantly and had the runs. Give him plenty of water as well as milk x

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hes sick all the time anyway so I cant really tell. :confused:

Ill keep offering milk and water I guess.

Liv was always sick too but it was just more then usual. Hope he feels better soon poor little man x

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oh dear, poor little man!! I don't really know, I think just keeping an eye on him and maybe offering feeds little and often. You said he's normally really sicky, have you tried staydown milk? (Sorry I can't remember if we spoke about this before, and obviously not great to change milk when he's poorly). Lots of cuddles too :)
yeah hes on aptimil colic and constipation. Hes sick just as often but smaller amounts. Progress. :lol:

I need to go to the GP again. Last time I got given a prescription for infacol :roll:
have you tried SMA staydown, it's got a purple lid? It's really working for Ross!

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