Tummy ache


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2010
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I have really bad tummy ache today, which reminds me of period pains, which frightens me:shock:

Anyone else get tummy ache in Tri 1????

Love Jody x
Have just read my post back and my tummy ache isnt REALLY bad as in doubled over, but does hurt. I have also had to go to the loo quite quickly (sorry TMI:oops:)
Hey - ive had a stomach ache since around 11dpo, and it hasnt gone away! Im seeing it as a good sign, that there is a lot going on, and aches and pains will happen - think I will worry more when it goes away,lol!

Im sure its perfectly normal, but im also sure that someone on here will probably be able to reassure you a lot more than I can - hey, what do I know,lol!

Hi jody,

I have been getting the same pains over the past week but I have read up on it slot and it seems to be pretty normal! Apparently it is just things growing and stretching! I completely understand that you are concerned because I was exactly the same! I felt like my period was coming which is a concerning feeling, but the more I read up on it the better I felt!

Alot of people seem to have the same experience and some people have it into tri 2!

Try not to worry!

Thanks so much girls for your reassurance, it helps alot. I have had stretching and twinging for weeks but this tummy ache is different, its there all the time, sort of a dull ache, but I will try to stop worrying.
Thank you xx
I was having these pains from 4 - 6 weeks. Mine were really bad was doubled over most of the time and screaming. These pains are what made my friends take me to A&E where they told me i was pregnant. (I even got rushed to hospital at 6 weeks in an ambulance..... poor OH. Scared him i think)

Doctor just kept saying as long as there is no bleeding don't worry. Just stretching pains and your body adjusting.

Hope this helps :D
:hug::-?:sad:Ooooo poor you!

Yes it does help alot, Thank you :hug: xxxxxxx
No problem. I seem to be getting every symptom under the sun! :mad:

All means everything is going well tho. Just glad its the holidays for me! Back to work in two weeks and time to tell the boss! :/
Don't worry i am 5 weeks and 4 days, and a couple of days after a missed period i started getting period pains which worried me. But apparently after reading up on it, its meant to be normal after a missed period as your body's adjusting to not having a period. And your body's also adjusting to carrying a baby. I still get stomach pains now and again. So don't worry it's nothing to worry about, but if you do get a bit worried then maybe it might be a good idea to have a speak to your midwife or your GP and then they'll be able to reassure you. Then you'll feel better :) But try not to stress your self out over it, to me i personally think its normal. This is my first so this is all knew to me, but at the moment im not to worried about it :d good luck, and all the best wishes xx
that niggley pain that feels like an oncoming period pain is something that continues.....im still getting them now. slightly annoying as u fly straight to the loo just to check n when u look there is no blood, just discharge.
its perfectly normal to get those pains as long as they are not severe and no bleeding, ur fine n dandy.
when i get that pain, i just rub my tum and ask baby politely to let me relax lol
when i get that pain, i just rub my tum and ask baby politely to let me relax lol

:rofl: I used to get my OH to talk to Sticky and it used to stop.... strange... maybe it just took my mind off the pain or something

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