
i'm completly new to all of this, and not very good at workin things out, i think after takin the pill for 5yrs, it may take a while to get bk to normal (hope not too long) then my friend recommended ( which is great, you just type in your dates etc and it really helps, hopefully i'll have more knowledge soon :) thanks for ur help :)
are you TTC?
yeh iv only been trying a few months though, hoping for a BFP soon as everyone is really :D

i was on microgynon for 4 years (i think, maybe it was 5) so it may not take as long as you think to get back to normal

yeh iv heard ferility friend is very helpfull, i used OPK's last month and other than that iv not tried much else ...... YET lol x
fingers crossed for a BFP for u soon hun :)
when you came off the pill did u get slightly moody, and hot flushes? or it that just me?
i didnt feel any different but it could be a side effect for you hun, i get moody around the time of my period but think thats normal :lol:
for the first few weeks after i came of it i kept getting period cramps but was told that was pretty normal too :hug:

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