TTC with irregular periods?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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Anyone got any experience?

I came off the pill last December :shock:

My cycles still havent regulated, so far I've had...
31, 27, 33, 33, 69, 41, 40 (suspected early miscarriage) and currently CD45 :wall2:

Could I get help to regulate my cycles/aid me in TTC?

I obviously have AJ and I came off the pill a while before TTC then and I remember cycles being around 30ish days but never like this.

Well done if you got through my ramblings so far...:flower:
Hiya, yes you can get help to regulate your cycles, you can ask your gp if he can give you somthing.
I know vitamin B supplement help to regulate your cycles as well as green Tea, Do you use any ovulation sticks to help you detect when your fertile ? I remember when my cycles was all over the place its hard isnt it, i ended up taking the vitamin B supplement & also bought loads of ovulation tests from ebay, there about £3 for 25 & £6 for 50. Deffo see your gp about your long cycles though cause 69 days eek, thats long. He might take a progesterone test from you & lh & fsh to see if you are ovulating. xx
Hiya, yes you can get help to regulate your cycles, you can ask your gp if he can give you somthing.
I know vitamin B supplement help to regulate your cycles as well as green Tea, Do you use any ovulation sticks to help you detect when your fertile ? I remember when my cycles was all over the place its hard isnt it, i ended up taking the vitamin B supplement & also bought loads of ovulation tests from ebay, there about £3 for 25 & £6 for 50. Deffo see your gp about your long cycles though cause 69 days eek, thats long. He might take a progesterone test from you & lh & fsh to see if you are ovulating. xx

Thank you :)
May look into vit B and green tea :) at the weekend. It it any green tea?
I tried Ov sticks and I gave up in the end as I got feint lines throughout the cycle.
Think I'll book an appointment with the nice female GP. xx

I have irregular cycles and used to take Agnus Castus up to ovulation to try and regulate it.

I stopped for a while but now on agnus castus and evening primrose oil & royal jelly up to ovulation then stop but I take Folic acid and omega 3 Sanatogen every day.

Holland & Barrett have an offer on at the moment, buy one get another for a penny so if you get vit B try and get it there on offer.

I get faint lines every day so went to the doctors last week. My doctor told me to stop using opks and just keep a record of DTD.

If you have irregular cycles it's worth seeing the docs about it incase it's an underlying problem. Good luck xxx
Hiya yes its any green tea hun ;) i forgot to mention the angus catnus like sunbeamer has said so thats worth a try too :) also the holland & barrets buy one get one for 1pence i'd get your vitamins from there ;)

Hey star, now I have read this I'm going to invest in vitB!xx
Thanks ladies.
I have been taking agnus cactus for the first 14 days of my cycle as my shortest cycles have been around 30 days and trouble with opk's. But It doesnt seem to be helping.

Will be going into town to stock up on TTC aids :) x
Forgot to ask, can I take vitB and green tea throughout my cycle?

Thanks :flower: x
Hi I use vit b6 all the way through as it helps the LH phase too x
Excellent I have bought my vitB today on the advice of this thread, let the pill popping commence! good luck charliebear xx
Hi sunbeamer glad to of helped with the vit B hehe :) xx Yes charlie bear you can take the vitB right through your cycle, drink the Green tea, from day 1 of period till you stop bleeding & if your cycles are really long over 32 then start drinking the green tea, but make sure your not pg before you drink it ok ;) xx
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Thanks Star :flower: You really are a star! x

Thanks for all the help ladies, x
Aw thanks :friends:

Pj tips have just brought out there own green tea too :) The ones i got before pj brought there's out was the ones in the green box for £1 from tescos. I was having scantty cycles & long cycles, like 1 day bleed & it was more like spotting, then i would see nothing & not come back on for ages, i had cycles from 34 days to 35 & i started the green tea & the first time i tried them i come on the following night, my cycles are now 32 & regular 32 with the help of green tea & vitamin B supplements & i use evening primrose oil from day 1 till ovulation day too. If you use the epro, then stop them as soon as you know you have ovulated, if you dont get positive opks, i would say stop them around cd10 :) xx
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hehe, I'd better write myself a shopping list and notes on when to use/stop everything!

Seems like things do work to shorten your cycles then. Just noticed your in your 2ww, how are you feeling?
Thanks again for all of the info. :flower:

I rang GP's earlier and I have to ring back Tues/Friday for an appointment with the nice lady GP. Her speciality is womens health. x
Been telling hubby about the Agnus Castus and he told me that I'm a borderline obsessive lol. If only he knew the full story :whistle:
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Been telly hubby about the Agnus Castus and he told me that I'm a borderline obsessive lol. If only he knew the full story :whistle:

That is why OH knows nothing about what I chat here and that all supplements are 'vitamins'! x
Its nerve wrecking am just hoping i get caught this month. I'm only 4dpo so i will be looking out for every twinge possible in the next few days, symptom spotting lol, makes you nuts this ttc dont it.

Oh thats a good idea going along to see the gp she might be able to give advise, dont bank on it though, cause i remember speaking to my gp about fertility & she looked at me when i was telling her of all these vitamins that help this & that, like a had just told her i am pooing gold coins LOL!!

Star, you seem to be a pool of information so is this correct if I do the following:

Epo-up to Ov
Agnus castus-up to Ov
Prenatal vitamins-all through cycle
VitB complex - all through cycle
Royal jelly-all through cycle

Baby aspirin - all through cycle until AF?

What do we think?! Ah star i hope its your month for a bfp!xx
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Thats correct hun, about the asprin its your choice wether to take it from cd 1 to test day or from ovulation to test day. I have took it from cd1 to test day before but this month i have done it from ovulation day till test day cause its a long time on the asprin from cd1 to test day, best to do the 2ww i think so hun :) xx
Lovely thank you! I started last night, I'm going to do this aspirin all cycle then do the same from Ov to Af for 2nd cycle. I am having really mixed opk results, faint lines frequently and dark lines during AF and dark lines before AF.
I went to the doc last week have been advised by the doc just to count dtd and stop using opks.

I have decided to take epo, AC etc up until CD15 then just take the rest until AF shows-what do you think?

I think that way I won't have taken too much if Ov occurs for a regular cycle then as I'm not using opks. Xx

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