ttc personal notes (m/c, low progesterone)

:wave: thanks for reminding us of your journey, its good to read happy endings :D

i am also looking for advice, you have become the low progesterone aguny aunt :rotfl: well you may know my history i have had 3 earlyish m/c one later m/c and a chemical i have never had my progesterone levels checked my doc doesnt see the need :roll: , anyway my cycles are shortish ranging from 25 to 28 days my luteal phase hardly makes it to 10 days and my periods are usually very light with mostly spotting, so i diagnosed myself with having low progesterone and i have started using the cream after ovulation, i just wondered from your experience what you thought.

This is what i am thinking also, i have very light periods, i have been told to keep trying until february when the doc has promised to refer me, what is this progesterone cream?
it is a cream that you use a pee size amount in the morning and at night you rub it into a muscle area AFTER you have ovulated this is the time when your body releases progesterone it is essential for the survival of the fertalized egg, but if your level is low it can cause early m/c and a very short luteal phase, i havent suffered any side effects so far but i have only been taking it for a week now here is the link to it ... .fertility

Your symptoms very strongly suggest low progesterone. I know 2 other ladies on here with this problem and we all had short lutheal phases, spotting, and light periods. The progesterone cream is not very strong, I was prescribed progesterone pessaries at 400mg twice a day. My doctor was very sceptical about treatment, I don't think it is widely accepted yet. I know it isn't cheap but if you are willing to part with about £100 you could have a consultation with a fertility clinic. In total I spent £200 on consultation and tests before they prescribed me with this treatment. The first month I took it we missed ov as it surprised us by happening 4 days early, but the following month we bonked for England and I fell pregnant. The other thing I will say is that no all people have a permanently low progesterone level. Mine was perfect on some days and very low on others. One test came back 2.5 and the second came back 63.9 (perfect) because of my fluctuating temps and because I was seeing a fertility specialist she agreed it was worth a try on the pessaries anyway. My doctor would never have conceded to this.

What I'm trying to get at is that if you can bare to spend the money, you will be taken more seriously at a fertility clinic, I really think you may be right about the low progesterone and wish you luck. The good news is that once diagnosed it is very easy to fall pregnant. I wish you all the best and please pm me if you want to chat or rant.


P.S NW1, same applies. I'm not sure what your symptoms are but give me a shout if you want to chat. i was gutted when we lost you from first tri xxx
thanks becs :hug: you have given me hope, after we get christmas over with i will deff be looking into a private ferttility clinic, i may just give it a last shot and plead with gp and see what happens :)
Always worth a try hon, you may be one of the ,lucky ones with an understanding GP. Always worth a shot a the old water works too :wink: :hug:

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