TTC for over a year!


Feb 8, 2010
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Hi, i'm new to this, but thought it was about time I asked for help!

Hubby and I have been TTC for over a year. I didn't think it would be easy for me, as I have suffered with Ovarian cysts for 10 years (but GP says that shouldn't have an affect), and there are miscarriages and endometriosis in the family.

However, since I came off the pill in Jan '09 and TTC, I haven't had one cyst! I've had several ultrasounds (internal and external), bloods and smears, and I have no obvious fertility issues. The only thing I have not had is a Laparoscopy to check for endometriosis.

My hubby has had sperm tests via GP in the last few weeks (and he already has 2 children), but we've now been referred to a Gynaecologist as I still can't get pregnant! :wall2:

Could anyone tell me what the Gynaecologist is going to do? I'm so afraid of what they will say, or if i've been doing something wrong all these months!!

We have sex every 3 days (hubby works away sometimes), because since TTC my periods have been anywhere between 30 and 45 days, so it's really difficult to pin point where i'm at?!

I haven't done any BBT, Ovulation kits or anything as I wouldn't know where to start with the dates! :oooo:

I also take Vitamin B complex which some ppl say is not good, and I also suffer with vaginal dryness so use a lubricant (which does say it doesn't harm sperm). I'm just trying to think of things that I may be doing wrong?!

Any advice greatly welcomed!! Thanks Guys!xx :)
Not much advice in this area hun, but wanted to say good luck. :D

***** baby dust ****

ive just been to the infertility clinic on fri just passed (gynae)
All they did for me anyway was asked loads of random questions, ie have u ever had an STI, MC etc...

They took me and OH weight, blood tests, urine sample, exam of OH testies etc and a scan on me.. and told me to loose weight lol
also ive to get blood taken on the 21st day after my AF aswell.

Then after all that they will tell you your options from the test results youve already had prior to the appointment with them and tell u what they are testing for and what they gonna do after they get there results back etc..

Hope you get on ok xx
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I have a friend who is long-term TTC (over 2 years now :( ) and she recommends loads of things...

As for lubricants, if you look-up Pre-seed then that might help ;) and there are other products on the market. Shop around, if you're going for it, as even on Amazon and other websites, you'll find it at competitive prices.

As for ovulation kits etc. , I'd say it'd be worth having a look at them. I am trying to *not* overthink the whole TTC thing (I have cysts etc. and PCOS bla bla bla) and only just starting TTC but will be using ovulation tests as soon as I know when my cycle kicks in , just to see what happens.

There's a lot of info on OPKs, temperature tracking etc. on this site - hope you find it helpful!

Vitamin B complex is better for your partner to take ;) and taking Folic Acid is a must, of course (400 micrograms per day). Pregnacare etc. have multivitamins in them which also help, but I'd ask your doctor for advice - strange you've not been told any of the "pros" but then, mine just told me to :bd: as often as we could and to relax, and not stress about it too much :lol:

As for using ovulation kits, try this linkask the doc which gives a good basic overview!
So pretty much what my GP has already done?!

I honestly thought this was going to be so much easier than it is! It seems so easy for others!

My OH has given up smoking, drinking, even reduced his caffeine intake! I've never smoked, hardly drink caffeine, and lost 5lb even though doc told me I didn't need to lose weight!

I'm going to get really frustrated if they just repeat tests!

Do you know how long it will take for them to actually start giving you treatments, like Clomid etc?
Thanks Toffeepop!

I think I will phone my doctors today, as the waiting list is 3 months to see the Gynaecologist, and my periods are getting more painful by the month!

Everything is so expensive to buy just to find out when you're ovulating, but sooo worth it if they work?!

I have been taking Vitamin B for my depression, as I didn't want medication, and I have been taking folic acid!

I'm hoping it is just all about the timing! :)
im not sure how long it all takes hun, but i know if i was to go ahead with IVF (which i might need to depending on 2nd test results) i will have to pay for the treatment cos i already have a son living at home with me. (fooked up system if u ask me)
if the results come back ok, they told me they can perscribe something to help (OH has a low sperm count) if not then its down the IVF route for us.

but yeah thats the joys of TTC with the help of docs, test, test and more tests hun.

Keep us posted in what happens. ive to go back in april
What a crap system! :mad: IVF costs a fortune!

I'm looking at all these fertility thermometers and sticks and packs, and god knows what else, my house will look like a pharmacy soon!

Hope all goes well for you hunni! I'm sure we will get there soon enough!!xx
Some people do have it easy and get pregnant rather quick - but others dont .

On average in the Uk it takes between 1 year and 2 years to concieve , however people with ovarian cysts do struggle more. Best bet would be to keep trying and continue having the tests.

Il be honest i was told by a good friend to stop thinking about it and worrying about it and low and behold i found myself pregnant the following month. :)

Il admit before the above happened i was trying for 2 years - well just under. I lost one baby before it hit 8 weeks , which was a devestating blow but we kept going and 8 months later im expecting my little one and have had my first scan at 13 weeks

:) Keep trying and good luck
Hi Sjay,
ive just been reading the thread and wondered if you had any luck as your last post was in feb. I have been ttc for over a year and had no luck, had blood tests and they are fine. It is soo furstrating when people get pregnant so quick and you dont-i do think that maybe its about timing (well thats wot i keep telling myself!!)
I have used the ovulation test sticks a few times, but like you my cycles are irregular so it is hard to figure it out. this month i tested and got a smiley face for ovulating and had sex nearly every day so i guess if it doesnt happen when you do it like that, i will just have to have paitence!! easier said than done!
Anyways, just wondered how things were going for you now?
Have any of you had the xray of your fallopian tubes?They insert dye throught the cervix and if there are no blockages then the dye should go right through.I found out my right fallopian tube is completely blocked!
I was very suprised but think it must have been a couple of infections I had when I had the coil.So annoyed I wasn't warned of the dangers as this is apparently quite common!
Its worth getting the test done so at least I have some answers as to why its taking me sooooooo liong to conceive.Still waitin' on OH sperm results.Fingers crossed.
hi there

we have been trying 2 years got the go ahead for clomid may 2010....
if you push they sometimes fasten up the process of tests etc for u and oh

im on my 3rd cycle of clomid

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